- 8:54 AM
- thalia
- Cooking, recipes, vegetarian
- No comments
Good morning, John! Let's have this conversation. I feel like I've recently decided I just wanna have lots of really tough conversations on VlogBrothers. Let's, let's take these... Let's face it head on! John, I have a problem.
And its name is meat. Let's get this out of the way, there's definitely some conflict going on between, uh, the vegetarians, vegans of the world, and the rest of the world. I'm gonna talk about why I think that is in this video and I'm gonna start with the fact that vegetarians are....Right. Yes, animals raised for food do not have nice lives and even if they did they would still be killed in the prime of their lives so that I could have a tasty snack.
Yes, the amount of food eaten by animals who will later be eaten is massive. And so as more people eat meat, more land has to be put under cultivation. Yes, livestock contribute massively to climate change and are a primary reason for deforestation. And, yes, most people don't need to eat meat to be healthy.
And there are reasons both ways, like more than a billion people make at least some of their living from livestock. You don't wanna take all of those peoples' livelihoods away all at once. But as the global population grows as the global economy grows, it is very difficult to argue that vegetarianism is not a good thing. Basically, the important thing here is vegetarianism allows more people to have more food with less impact.
It's good. And so, when someone tells me that I should be a vegetarian or leaves a comment on a video asking me how do I. Justify eating meat, I have no recourse but to say that they are right and that I am wrong, but that I will continue eating meat because I'm the kind of person who has a hard time controlling myself, and it's hard enough not to eat a half a bag of Oreos for breakfast. Now my personal willpower aside, there's a fundamental conflict going on here.
I live in a society where eating meat is normal and being a vegetarian is not. It's Montana, you guys, like, there are places in America where vegetarianism is very normal; this is not one of them. But there's a difference between acting in accordance with society's expectations, which will very rarely get you criticised and is definitely the easy thing to do, and actually living in a way that is best for the future and for people and for all of the organisms on the planet. And that's the reality of meat-eating.
It is a thing that I don't need to do, but I do, despite the fact that it makes the world worse for current animals and future people. This is a big one for our society, but there are lots of examples of this, like I've always found it a little bit immoral that I spend money on things that are not necessary like Coca- Cola, and flying to San Francisco, and that fifth ticket to The Force Awakens, when there are people dying of preventable diseases. I do those things instead of giving that money to Save the Children for the same reasons that I eat meat: because it's easier, it's simpler, I like them, and I'm not perfect. But it's also more than that, like, acting in accordance with society, to a certain extent, isn't just the easy thing to do, it's also, kinda, the only thing to do.
I've experienced this, you can only do so much breaking with culture before you become extremely uncomfortable. It's very hard to find self-worth, it's very hard to find connection... Like imagine if every time I saw someone buy a Coca-Cola, I, like, mumbled under my breath, like, "You know, there are people dying of preventable diseases." I would not have a lot of friends. So why are people annoyed by vegetarians? Because they have the audacity to work extremely hard to live in accordance with their values.
And because those values conflict with the values of society at large. People don't want to be told that the way that they live their lives and the things that they enjoy are making the world less good; especially when you got other stuff to worry about. But look, as frustrating as I'm sure both sides can find this at times, this cultural conflict is not a bad thing. I honestly believe that we're on our way to a better, brighter future, and 200 years from now, people will think it's ridiculous that we ate meat the way that we do.
There's no reason not to appreciate vegetarians for working very hard to live in accordance with their values, and I. Completely understand their desire to convert me and other people to their cause, to have us eat less or no meat, so I am thankful for you, all of you people who tell me to not eat meat. And, yet, I am going to continue eating less, but not no meat, because it's easier, it's simple, I like it, and I'm not perfect. John, I'll see you on Tuesday..
And its name is meat. Let's get this out of the way, there's definitely some conflict going on between, uh, the vegetarians, vegans of the world, and the rest of the world. I'm gonna talk about why I think that is in this video and I'm gonna start with the fact that vegetarians are....Right. Yes, animals raised for food do not have nice lives and even if they did they would still be killed in the prime of their lives so that I could have a tasty snack.
Yes, the amount of food eaten by animals who will later be eaten is massive. And so as more people eat meat, more land has to be put under cultivation. Yes, livestock contribute massively to climate change and are a primary reason for deforestation. And, yes, most people don't need to eat meat to be healthy.
And there are reasons both ways, like more than a billion people make at least some of their living from livestock. You don't wanna take all of those peoples' livelihoods away all at once. But as the global population grows as the global economy grows, it is very difficult to argue that vegetarianism is not a good thing. Basically, the important thing here is vegetarianism allows more people to have more food with less impact.
It's good. And so, when someone tells me that I should be a vegetarian or leaves a comment on a video asking me how do I. Justify eating meat, I have no recourse but to say that they are right and that I am wrong, but that I will continue eating meat because I'm the kind of person who has a hard time controlling myself, and it's hard enough not to eat a half a bag of Oreos for breakfast. Now my personal willpower aside, there's a fundamental conflict going on here.
I live in a society where eating meat is normal and being a vegetarian is not. It's Montana, you guys, like, there are places in America where vegetarianism is very normal; this is not one of them. But there's a difference between acting in accordance with society's expectations, which will very rarely get you criticised and is definitely the easy thing to do, and actually living in a way that is best for the future and for people and for all of the organisms on the planet. And that's the reality of meat-eating.
It is a thing that I don't need to do, but I do, despite the fact that it makes the world worse for current animals and future people. This is a big one for our society, but there are lots of examples of this, like I've always found it a little bit immoral that I spend money on things that are not necessary like Coca- Cola, and flying to San Francisco, and that fifth ticket to The Force Awakens, when there are people dying of preventable diseases. I do those things instead of giving that money to Save the Children for the same reasons that I eat meat: because it's easier, it's simpler, I like them, and I'm not perfect. But it's also more than that, like, acting in accordance with society, to a certain extent, isn't just the easy thing to do, it's also, kinda, the only thing to do.
I've experienced this, you can only do so much breaking with culture before you become extremely uncomfortable. It's very hard to find self-worth, it's very hard to find connection... Like imagine if every time I saw someone buy a Coca-Cola, I, like, mumbled under my breath, like, "You know, there are people dying of preventable diseases." I would not have a lot of friends. So why are people annoyed by vegetarians? Because they have the audacity to work extremely hard to live in accordance with their values.
And because those values conflict with the values of society at large. People don't want to be told that the way that they live their lives and the things that they enjoy are making the world less good; especially when you got other stuff to worry about. But look, as frustrating as I'm sure both sides can find this at times, this cultural conflict is not a bad thing. I honestly believe that we're on our way to a better, brighter future, and 200 years from now, people will think it's ridiculous that we ate meat the way that we do.
There's no reason not to appreciate vegetarians for working very hard to live in accordance with their values, and I. Completely understand their desire to convert me and other people to their cause, to have us eat less or no meat, so I am thankful for you, all of you people who tell me to not eat meat. And, yet, I am going to continue eating less, but not no meat, because it's easier, it's simple, I like it, and I'm not perfect. John, I'll see you on Tuesday..
- 6:54 PM
- thalia
- Cooking, recipes, vegetarian
- No comments
Americans love their meat, with the average
person consuming roughly 198 lbs (90 kg) of pork, beef and chicken every year. The global average is considerably less, at
around 75 lbs (34 kg) per year, but not everyone is a meat lover, as around 5% of the worlds
population choose to be vegetarian. In the USA, close to 5% of people choose this
lifestyle compared to 12% of Bris and 30% of Indians. With the majority of the population currently
consuming meat and enjoying burgers, ribs, bacon, wings, and steak on a daily basis,
what would happen if everyone just stopped? How would it affect the economy, our livelihoods,
the environment, and our health? Thats what were going to look into,
in this episode of the Infographics Show, What Would Happen If the World Suddenly Turned
Vegetarian? Do not forget to subscribe and click the bell
button so that you can be part of our Notification Squad.
It is estimated by the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) that the meat industry brings
$894 billion to the US economy with $95 billion of that being for beef alone. 800,000 People are employed in the meat and
poultry business in the US, and millions worldwide, so a sudden turn to vegetarianism would mean
a huge loss of jobs. It would, at the same time, create jobs in
different fields. Moving into a meat-free lifestyle would have
a significant impact on the worlds economy, with the meat industry being perceived in
value of up to $1.6 Trillion by 2050.
Social Impacts
The social impacts of global vegetarianism could be devastating for many communities. Currently, around 1 billion people dedicate
their lives to tending to livestock and lands or working in meat factories, so if we stopped
eating meat, their livelihoods would be stripped from them, losing their income and lands. What work could they do instead? Many may take to growing and selling fruit,
vegetables or wheat crops, or finding another source of income. The poor could be hit hard with their diet
no longer including the nutrition that they get from meat with animal products containing
many more nutrients than grains and rice.
There are many cultural and religious traditions
that include meat as a focal point, which would no longer exist or would have to be
altered due to a vegetarian lifestyle. Many of the 1.8 Billion Muslims around the
world celebrate Eid al-Adha every year as part of the Islamic calendar and as part of
this tradition, a goat or sheep is slaughtered and some of the meat is offered to poor and
needy families. In the USA, a longstanding tradition is having
a turkey on the table for Thanksgiving dinner, but in a meat-free environment, what would
be the feature food on our plates? Tofurkey? Now lets look at some of the positive impacts
a sudden change to vegetarianism would have. Environment
In a vegetarian world, our environment would be much better off, leaving way to a healthier
and cleaner planet for future generations.
Livestock production and the meat industry
is thought to be one of the biggest contributors to climate change, with a larger impact on
the planet than anything else, as 14.5% Of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions are
caused by the human activity of meat production. Most people do not even think about the effect
food has on climate change, but if we stopped eating meat, we would be doing our planet
a favour with gas emissions being reduced significantly. Meat production emits much higher gas emissions
than fruit and vegetable production, and research has shown that the production of beef is so
environmentally destructive that it causes 5 times more climate warming emissions than
other animals. In the US, an average family of four emit
more greenhouse gases due to the meat they consume than from having two cars on the road.
With the sudden change to vegetarianism and
the elimination of meat, our food related emissions could drop by up to 60-70%. Water
Another major environmental cost of meat production is water usage, with livestock consuming more
of our water than anything else, and also being one of the largest causes of polluted
water. The total water footprint for one pound of
beef is 200 times that of one pound of plant foods. One kilo of beef requires 15,000 litres of
water before it arrives on your dinner plate, while a roast chicken would take up 4,325
Globally there are millions of people that
do not have access to clean drinking water, so if there were less livestock to feed, there
would be a lot more water to go around. Land
According to Dutch scientists, there are currently 2.7 Billion hectares of land being used for
cattle grazing with between 20-30% of the globes ice-free land solely for farming
pigs, chicken and cattle. Another 100 million hectares on top of that
are dedicated to growing the crops that feed the livestock. In the US, around 700 million tons of food
are consumed by livestock alone each year, which could actually be given to humans instead
to help combat world hunger, which could be eliminated with an estimated 40 million tons
of food.
Global vegetarianism could free up this land
currently used by livestock, and even though a lot of it would not be suitable for habitation
for humans, some of it could be used to cater to the growing global population, to grow
more plants, and to lead way for other innovative ways to use the land. Health
56 billion animals are farmed and killed each year for human consumption with many being
kept alive by a steady diet of drugs so they withstand the stressful and unsanitary farming
conditions. At any time of year, there are approximately
20 billion chickens, 1.5 Billion cows, 1 billion pigs, and 1 billion sheep in farms and factories
around the world that is three times the amount of humans and they are all there to
feed us. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization,
the number of animals that require land for grazing is growing by 25 million each year.
Factory farmed animals are full of diseases
and can be a breeding ground for new strains of viruses and superbugs. By eliminating these factory farms, we could
lower the risk of antibiotic resistant bacteria and diseases such as Mad Cow Disease being
released into our environment. Protein? Another point to consider would be that without
meat to provide all-important protein in our diets, what would be our primary source? Fortunately, there are many alternatives. Soybeans are historically known as meat
without bones and contain 35% protein, meaning it is a quality protein source.
There is a current perception that vegetarians
drain the worlds plant sources but in fact most of the soybean crops and grains grown
go to livestock. Other ways we could get a healthy dose of
daily protein would be to eat more peas, nuts, beans, quinoa, greens and buckwheat. Dairy milk and chicken eggs are also an excellent
source, provided that milk and egg farms would still be in operation. So, what do you think? Would the world benefit from a global vegetarian
diet? Let us know your thoughts in the comments! Also, be sure to check out our other video
called Vegans vs Meat Eaters! Thanks for watching, and, as always, dont
forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!.
person consuming roughly 198 lbs (90 kg) of pork, beef and chicken every year. The global average is considerably less, at
around 75 lbs (34 kg) per year, but not everyone is a meat lover, as around 5% of the worlds
population choose to be vegetarian. In the USA, close to 5% of people choose this
lifestyle compared to 12% of Bris and 30% of Indians. With the majority of the population currently
consuming meat and enjoying burgers, ribs, bacon, wings, and steak on a daily basis,
what would happen if everyone just stopped? How would it affect the economy, our livelihoods,
the environment, and our health? Thats what were going to look into,
in this episode of the Infographics Show, What Would Happen If the World Suddenly Turned
Vegetarian? Do not forget to subscribe and click the bell
button so that you can be part of our Notification Squad.
It is estimated by the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) that the meat industry brings
$894 billion to the US economy with $95 billion of that being for beef alone. 800,000 People are employed in the meat and
poultry business in the US, and millions worldwide, so a sudden turn to vegetarianism would mean
a huge loss of jobs. It would, at the same time, create jobs in
different fields. Moving into a meat-free lifestyle would have
a significant impact on the worlds economy, with the meat industry being perceived in
value of up to $1.6 Trillion by 2050.
Social Impacts
The social impacts of global vegetarianism could be devastating for many communities. Currently, around 1 billion people dedicate
their lives to tending to livestock and lands or working in meat factories, so if we stopped
eating meat, their livelihoods would be stripped from them, losing their income and lands. What work could they do instead? Many may take to growing and selling fruit,
vegetables or wheat crops, or finding another source of income. The poor could be hit hard with their diet
no longer including the nutrition that they get from meat with animal products containing
many more nutrients than grains and rice.
There are many cultural and religious traditions
that include meat as a focal point, which would no longer exist or would have to be
altered due to a vegetarian lifestyle. Many of the 1.8 Billion Muslims around the
world celebrate Eid al-Adha every year as part of the Islamic calendar and as part of
this tradition, a goat or sheep is slaughtered and some of the meat is offered to poor and
needy families. In the USA, a longstanding tradition is having
a turkey on the table for Thanksgiving dinner, but in a meat-free environment, what would
be the feature food on our plates? Tofurkey? Now lets look at some of the positive impacts
a sudden change to vegetarianism would have. Environment
In a vegetarian world, our environment would be much better off, leaving way to a healthier
and cleaner planet for future generations.
Livestock production and the meat industry
is thought to be one of the biggest contributors to climate change, with a larger impact on
the planet than anything else, as 14.5% Of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions are
caused by the human activity of meat production. Most people do not even think about the effect
food has on climate change, but if we stopped eating meat, we would be doing our planet
a favour with gas emissions being reduced significantly. Meat production emits much higher gas emissions
than fruit and vegetable production, and research has shown that the production of beef is so
environmentally destructive that it causes 5 times more climate warming emissions than
other animals. In the US, an average family of four emit
more greenhouse gases due to the meat they consume than from having two cars on the road.
With the sudden change to vegetarianism and
the elimination of meat, our food related emissions could drop by up to 60-70%. Water
Another major environmental cost of meat production is water usage, with livestock consuming more
of our water than anything else, and also being one of the largest causes of polluted
water. The total water footprint for one pound of
beef is 200 times that of one pound of plant foods. One kilo of beef requires 15,000 litres of
water before it arrives on your dinner plate, while a roast chicken would take up 4,325
Globally there are millions of people that
do not have access to clean drinking water, so if there were less livestock to feed, there
would be a lot more water to go around. Land
According to Dutch scientists, there are currently 2.7 Billion hectares of land being used for
cattle grazing with between 20-30% of the globes ice-free land solely for farming
pigs, chicken and cattle. Another 100 million hectares on top of that
are dedicated to growing the crops that feed the livestock. In the US, around 700 million tons of food
are consumed by livestock alone each year, which could actually be given to humans instead
to help combat world hunger, which could be eliminated with an estimated 40 million tons
of food.
Global vegetarianism could free up this land
currently used by livestock, and even though a lot of it would not be suitable for habitation
for humans, some of it could be used to cater to the growing global population, to grow
more plants, and to lead way for other innovative ways to use the land. Health
56 billion animals are farmed and killed each year for human consumption with many being
kept alive by a steady diet of drugs so they withstand the stressful and unsanitary farming
conditions. At any time of year, there are approximately
20 billion chickens, 1.5 Billion cows, 1 billion pigs, and 1 billion sheep in farms and factories
around the world that is three times the amount of humans and they are all there to
feed us. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization,
the number of animals that require land for grazing is growing by 25 million each year.
Factory farmed animals are full of diseases
and can be a breeding ground for new strains of viruses and superbugs. By eliminating these factory farms, we could
lower the risk of antibiotic resistant bacteria and diseases such as Mad Cow Disease being
released into our environment. Protein? Another point to consider would be that without
meat to provide all-important protein in our diets, what would be our primary source? Fortunately, there are many alternatives. Soybeans are historically known as meat
without bones and contain 35% protein, meaning it is a quality protein source.
There is a current perception that vegetarians
drain the worlds plant sources but in fact most of the soybean crops and grains grown
go to livestock. Other ways we could get a healthy dose of
daily protein would be to eat more peas, nuts, beans, quinoa, greens and buckwheat. Dairy milk and chicken eggs are also an excellent
source, provided that milk and egg farms would still be in operation. So, what do you think? Would the world benefit from a global vegetarian
diet? Let us know your thoughts in the comments! Also, be sure to check out our other video
called Vegans vs Meat Eaters! Thanks for watching, and, as always, dont
forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!.
- 4:54 AM
- thalia
- Cooking, recipes, vegetarian
- No comments
[Music] My name's Jasmine, and this is what I eat in a day. Breakfast is my all-time favorite meal. No matter what day it is, I always have to make myself a fruit smoothie. I use about a cup of frozen blueberries, six to ten frozen strawberries, and about a handful of frozen banana chunks.
I put in the blueberries, strawberries, bananas, and sometimes I'll add a tiny, tiny bit of Vega protein powder only if I know I didn't get enough protein the day before. And then I'll fill it almost to the very top with coconut water. And then I'll just top it off and let it sit for a minute so it's easier to blend. Meanwhile, I'll put in my toast.
This is sprouted whole grain bread, which is my favorite bread I found health-wise. And then while I wait for my toast to finish, I start blending my smoothie. When it's done, I pour it in a mason jar, and by that time my toast is usually finished. I use this butter from Costco that I really like because it's really easy to spread, and it's also organic.
I've also been doing this ever since I was a kid, but I sprinkle a little sugar on top. This is some coconut sugar I bought from Vitacost. And then this is what my breakfast looks like on days where I don't have to rush off to work. For snack, I like to eat a combination of two of my favorite snack things.
The first is Bare apple chips, and the second is roasted sprouted almonds. Then of course in the afternoon, I'll have some lunch. For lunch, I like to introduce some greens. This day, I decided to make a salad.
I washed and cut up some romaine lettuce. And my family had extra Olive Garden dressing and croutons. So once everything was set up, I added the lettuce in a bowl along with the dressing and croutons and then put them in the fridge while I made my pasta. This pasta is my favorite because it's made of only quinoa, amaranth, and sprouted brown rice.
All good, no bad. And the tomato sauce is literally just tomato, salt, and seasoning. I just put water on the stove to boil, and once the pasta is done, I drain it and start heating up the sauce in the pot. Then I'll add in the pasta and stir it until it's all mixed in.
With every meal, I like to drink a cup of cold lemon water. So, I'll add one into a mason jar, and then I'll fill it with water from our Brita filter. And that's what I ate for lunch. After lunch, I like to eat a little something to tie me over.
And then for dinner on this day, I decided to eat some potatoes and broccoli. I start off by boiling some water and then adding some salt. After that, I'll scrub the potatoes and prep them to be cut. I like to cut them into four pieces so the chunks aren't too big or too small.
Then I'll put them in, and once the water starts to boil again, I'll cover it and turn the stove down to low. After they're done, I'll put the potatoes on parchment paper - instead of aluminum foil - and then start smashing them down with a cup. After that, I'll add a lot of garlic powder, salt, and then olive oil. I'll pop then in the oven for about 15-20 minutes, and once they're done, they're a nice squishy golden brown.
I don't make them exactly like my mom yet, but we're getting there. And that's what I eat in a day..
I put in the blueberries, strawberries, bananas, and sometimes I'll add a tiny, tiny bit of Vega protein powder only if I know I didn't get enough protein the day before. And then I'll fill it almost to the very top with coconut water. And then I'll just top it off and let it sit for a minute so it's easier to blend. Meanwhile, I'll put in my toast.
This is sprouted whole grain bread, which is my favorite bread I found health-wise. And then while I wait for my toast to finish, I start blending my smoothie. When it's done, I pour it in a mason jar, and by that time my toast is usually finished. I use this butter from Costco that I really like because it's really easy to spread, and it's also organic.
I've also been doing this ever since I was a kid, but I sprinkle a little sugar on top. This is some coconut sugar I bought from Vitacost. And then this is what my breakfast looks like on days where I don't have to rush off to work. For snack, I like to eat a combination of two of my favorite snack things.
The first is Bare apple chips, and the second is roasted sprouted almonds. Then of course in the afternoon, I'll have some lunch. For lunch, I like to introduce some greens. This day, I decided to make a salad.
I washed and cut up some romaine lettuce. And my family had extra Olive Garden dressing and croutons. So once everything was set up, I added the lettuce in a bowl along with the dressing and croutons and then put them in the fridge while I made my pasta. This pasta is my favorite because it's made of only quinoa, amaranth, and sprouted brown rice.
All good, no bad. And the tomato sauce is literally just tomato, salt, and seasoning. I just put water on the stove to boil, and once the pasta is done, I drain it and start heating up the sauce in the pot. Then I'll add in the pasta and stir it until it's all mixed in.
With every meal, I like to drink a cup of cold lemon water. So, I'll add one into a mason jar, and then I'll fill it with water from our Brita filter. And that's what I ate for lunch. After lunch, I like to eat a little something to tie me over.
And then for dinner on this day, I decided to eat some potatoes and broccoli. I start off by boiling some water and then adding some salt. After that, I'll scrub the potatoes and prep them to be cut. I like to cut them into four pieces so the chunks aren't too big or too small.
Then I'll put them in, and once the water starts to boil again, I'll cover it and turn the stove down to low. After they're done, I'll put the potatoes on parchment paper - instead of aluminum foil - and then start smashing them down with a cup. After that, I'll add a lot of garlic powder, salt, and then olive oil. I'll pop then in the oven for about 15-20 minutes, and once they're done, they're a nice squishy golden brown.
I don't make them exactly like my mom yet, but we're getting there. And that's what I eat in a day..
- 2:54 PM
- thalia
- Cooking, recipes, vegetarian
- No comments
Gonna be tasting meat, for the first time in about 30 years. I've been a vegetarian for about a year now. So I'm really just, completely turned off meat, so (sigh) I'm really nervous. Comin' up to five years I would be vegetarian now I'd say.
I fell off the wagon once or twice at the start, cause it's not easy. But yeah a good 5 years, I'm proud to say Oh my god! It's sausage, what, is that bacon around it, is it? I've only ever had a barbecued (pause) vegetable so, (nervous laugh) It's not as good as I remembered, I'm sorry (laughs) oh my god...Sorry... I'll take one more (laugh) I won't I'm not touchin' it no I just couldn't imaging swallowing it. (Sigh) No, god no (nervous laughs) Gosh, even cutting this is hard That's the one thing you never have to worry about with vegetables I knew there was gonna be meat involved, but no, I didn't even, but I wasn't even gonna allow myself to think what kind of...Meat Jesus how do people do this? *Groans no* Is that enough of a taste? (Nervous laugh) I can't do it Just doesn't seem like food So dipping the chicken in the blue cheese, is that cheating? Okay, now that's as good as I remember Strangely, out of all the meats chicken is the one that I really can't stand even the thought of oh my god...
Even just the fact that you have to touch it your fingers just, when I took a bite into it and I touched the bone, i was just... (Disgusted sounds) yeah, its the skin and the mmmmm..... I'm sorry that is so good This is definitely the worst so far This is cow... This should be easy because well easier I think cause it's more processed I can really just...
Taste the meat by, compared to everything else with it, it's really, just need to spit it out Old McDonald had a farm... Oh my god, there's so much chewing and it's just...Sorry e, i, e, i... I can feel the knife cutting into it and I'm like ughhh Yeah, this is my memory of meat, that, you're just chewing and chewing and it's not going anywhere. Veal? What is that? Honestly with veal it's kinda the ethical thing that's why people don't eat it, but in terms of tasting...I can't imagine it's any different.
Ugh, my stomach's turning even just thinking about biting into it. I feel so guilty cause that's nice it is like exactly nice It just does nothing for me, the taste is just, really kind of bland tissue-y um, yeah it doesn't really taste of anything The texture was much better than the steak because it's a baby Just I don't look at it as being food anymore like I really just look at as being, like, the flesh of an animal I'm a lot more set, yeah, a lot more assertive and sure that I'm...I'm vegetarian for life 100 percent What did one vegetarian say to the other vegetarian? We've got to stop meat-ing like this! That's all I've got that's my only vegetarian joke you're laughing! Oh no! I have another one now, I actually do, I have another one Why did the chicken cross the road? (Off camera) why? He was running from Colonel Sanders.
I fell off the wagon once or twice at the start, cause it's not easy. But yeah a good 5 years, I'm proud to say Oh my god! It's sausage, what, is that bacon around it, is it? I've only ever had a barbecued (pause) vegetable so, (nervous laugh) It's not as good as I remembered, I'm sorry (laughs) oh my god...Sorry... I'll take one more (laugh) I won't I'm not touchin' it no I just couldn't imaging swallowing it. (Sigh) No, god no (nervous laughs) Gosh, even cutting this is hard That's the one thing you never have to worry about with vegetables I knew there was gonna be meat involved, but no, I didn't even, but I wasn't even gonna allow myself to think what kind of...Meat Jesus how do people do this? *Groans no* Is that enough of a taste? (Nervous laugh) I can't do it Just doesn't seem like food So dipping the chicken in the blue cheese, is that cheating? Okay, now that's as good as I remember Strangely, out of all the meats chicken is the one that I really can't stand even the thought of oh my god...
Even just the fact that you have to touch it your fingers just, when I took a bite into it and I touched the bone, i was just... (Disgusted sounds) yeah, its the skin and the mmmmm..... I'm sorry that is so good This is definitely the worst so far This is cow... This should be easy because well easier I think cause it's more processed I can really just...
Taste the meat by, compared to everything else with it, it's really, just need to spit it out Old McDonald had a farm... Oh my god, there's so much chewing and it's just...Sorry e, i, e, i... I can feel the knife cutting into it and I'm like ughhh Yeah, this is my memory of meat, that, you're just chewing and chewing and it's not going anywhere. Veal? What is that? Honestly with veal it's kinda the ethical thing that's why people don't eat it, but in terms of tasting...I can't imagine it's any different.
Ugh, my stomach's turning even just thinking about biting into it. I feel so guilty cause that's nice it is like exactly nice It just does nothing for me, the taste is just, really kind of bland tissue-y um, yeah it doesn't really taste of anything The texture was much better than the steak because it's a baby Just I don't look at it as being food anymore like I really just look at as being, like, the flesh of an animal I'm a lot more set, yeah, a lot more assertive and sure that I'm...I'm vegetarian for life 100 percent What did one vegetarian say to the other vegetarian? We've got to stop meat-ing like this! That's all I've got that's my only vegetarian joke you're laughing! Oh no! I have another one now, I actually do, I have another one Why did the chicken cross the road? (Off camera) why? He was running from Colonel Sanders.
- 12:54 AM
- thalia
- Cooking, recipes, vegetarian
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Today we're going to eat meat (ha) kinda nervous I'm kinda...I feel like I'm really nervous actually because i've been vegeterian my entire life from the time that i popped out of mom's vagina i was a vegetarian (lAnguAgE) TRUE growing up my parents were vegeterians and so was I, cause there was no meat in the house so what was I gonna do, like buy it myself when i'm 7 you can't just walk to the store when ur 7 and buy fucking bacon sO because of that I never ate meat, and that's like cool like I don't care so i've gone this whole time being a vegetarian If in my life I can't talk Ethan : You're scared I know I'm scared of the meat I had this fun idea that, for you, I. Would try meats for the first time that i never tried now mind you. Yes I've been vegetarian my whole life but I have tried a few meats you know cause like sometimes bacon. YoU kNoW wHaT I'm SaYiNg so ive had bacon and then I've also had pepperoni on pizza and thats kinda wild you know like it's rare definitely one of those things where like its the first day of school and like the teacher's like "okay everybody say a fun fact" and I'm like "I've never had meat before" and its like really cool and the whole class is like "oH mY gOd yoU'rE kidDing" and then I get attention for like 20 minutes and then nobody talks to me for the rest of the year like it's still cool though *American horror story theme song* let's do it bring it oh I also have my friends here who are going to help me like they picked out meat for me because obviously like naturally I'm not going to like know what to pick out.
You know because I don't know whats good so I have some meaty friends to pick (laughs) Ethan (off camera): Oh my god It;s not here yet. The stuff that I need is not here yet the stuff that I need is not here yet okay well then we'll wait *waiting music* ethan: waiting *more waiting music* ethan: alright watch us wait for 5 minutes the next 5 minutes of the video is just this *waiting music* ethan: you know people actually click off if i say that *more music* Grayson: bring out the fuckin meat dUdE iTs nOt hErE yEt There's some meats that are here why can't i just eat start out with *stutters* because I neEd to. Do. It.
In order *shook* it needs to be orderly okay since I know this is emma's first time eating meat i got her the best meats of all time I just don't like the way that sounds yeah it's kinda gross i'll refrain from saying that from now on i gOt EmMa sOmE nOn-vEgEtArIaN oPtIoNs grayson: the cultry grayson: isn't meat called cultry? Dude idk i think sometimes ethan: I don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about ethan:thats-thats poultry right??? Grayson (off camera): oh, poultry is what emma: bLshHHv that's knifes ethan: that's cutlery aHh we're not just gonna get her some fucking like pepperoni from the frozen section at a grocery store if its her first time eating meat that would just be wrong (that's so rude) I'm gonna blind fold emma While shes- k- I kinda wanna sa- i kno right? Right it just sounds wrong no i know ur gonna guess what it is and then we're gonna do a review on it because you need to have more confidence yea I am So scared *Im so fancy- Iggy azalea* ethan (off camera):CLOSE UR EYES. K fuck OK. OhMyGoD AAH. Just relax Im sory! I'm a lil scard ethan: this is gonna be interesting grayson: can I only be in it this much? Yea thats good I'm just like really scared b- honestly im pretty chilled with like trying new foods but I think the thing that i'm like worried about is the fact that like steak makes me want to vomit and die like when I look at it and that's the one thing i'm scared about *sexual* You've never tried it! Yea but like *Music* its chickEn ethan: alright first round grayson: wait no you should start with ethan:NO.
*Bromance* i hate this ew all of it smells weird ethan:omg I can't believe ur doing this *you put the lime in the coconut* lEt Me JuSt set it up for a nice label ok gud y is he yelling *laughs* NO NOoOOooOOo NoOOOooOO. NOoOOOoO. NOoOoOOo *regret* dont smell it dont do anything wait I cant smell it? No FUCK ME. Ethan: Its not gross I do it everyday okay also afjdklsa- yeah but like you've been doing it FUCK U.
No this is actually so terrifying also the more i react and act like annoying the more content i have so just let me have this freak out moment ethan: dont lick it! It feels kinda heavy so i feel like this might be steak and now im scared cause thats the thing i wanted to try the least can i like lick it ethan: NO. WHY!? *Booing* ew why is it like stringy like why are there like fucking flops all over it you mean flaps? Yeaa you just eat it whole like there you go-holy you did it ew ethan: chill grayson:don't cover your fucking TAKE YOUR BLINDFOLD OFF NOW what ru ethan: no NO DONT TAKE IT DONT TAKE IT OFF. *BOOO* ethan: you finished it holy shit no way you just did that wat is it? Was it bad? The actual flavour of it was actually really good sjgfhdfhdsj *laughing* okay but the texture of it made me wanna *inaudible* hi : ) wow what a experience SO. Ethan: what do u think it was? I actually genuinely dont have any clue ethan: oHmYgOd thats crazy are you serious? I DONT KNOW WHAT IT WAS.
It kinda tasted like bacon but like only a lil bit it wasnt bad i think the thing i hated about it was the fact that it was kinda like luke warm which is just gross for any food you can give me like a luke warm salad and i also wanna die so like i think its just that mmhh i dont kno wat it is either ham or like chicken but i dont know i couldnt fucking tell you that just tasted like MEAT. *Patriotic music* I dont think that was chicken so ham! You thought the first one was ham yes i did youre fucking wrong ur kidding are u actually kidding? Yeah im kidding no yeah i am it was ham. It was ham? No it was CHICKEN. NO WAY! Thats so weird that you didnt know that.
Honestly no i genuinely didnt. *Sexy music* Fuck i hate this. (Slapping thighs) feeling a little bit nervous recently ow fuck (PrOfAnItY) did u just eat some of it? *Laughter* hOw iS iT? Ethan: I mean wut? Wut? *Put the lime in the coconut* nOoOOOoOO. Ethan: don't flap it around too much cuz it's barely on the fork u need to be creative fUcK *deep inhale* fjdkowe...I need a meditation moment should I go for it? Ethan: mm think so uGgGGHHHhHH.
What if I spit it out I don't have anything to prepare- ethan (off camera): ur not gonna spit it out wHy? Are you ready? Im ready r u? The thing is is that he didn't tell me what he was ordering when he was ordering it so it's not even like I can do process of elimination there's so many types of meat this could be a fucking alligator I have to fucking piss too ethan: u have to piss? Yea I kinda do uHHHh this is the weirdest texture I've ever had eW I hate this ...MHm (mmm) weLL. I know what it is and that's why I want to throw up *laughs* eW *shivers* its definitely steak the flavor of it was bomb as fuck like I. It actually tastes so good grayson: ur a chicken lover? <3 I dOn'T KnOw the texture is sOo weird - it also kinda tasted bloody a little bit its like a mushroom for me like do mushrooms taste bad no but like because I don't like the idea of mushrooms I gag when I eat them *gags* who the fuck is it- OH postmates HI. Wait u have to say-what do u think- what was the second one second one was definitely steak alright yup let's go *sexy music* last one kinda made me want to vomit and die so kinda worried about what's next ooh kind of- this one kinda smells fun *suspense sound effect* *put the lime in the coconut* ethan: and go *cheers* ok *boing* *crickets* what the fuck ok that was definitely like a chicken nugget ethan: that was ur guess? A chicken nugget! Yea.
Blindfold back on ok kinda like really bland tho like really bland so idk cuz I used to eat like vegetarian chicken nuggets and shit like those were fun as hell *laughter* like that was really boring so BORING!!! Still on it. I'm still thinking about it ethan: and go *exhales* I get scared like right before ethan:just go ok *cheering* this is also a chicken nugget. I know what u did. Oh I know what u did grayson (off camera): stop covering ur face nO CuZ I EaT wEiRd *chokes* this is really good ethan: which one was better 1 or 2? 2 Number one was fucking- tasted like water sand...
Like but number two tasted like a flavorful explosion *laughs* ethan: what do u think number one was? Oh yeah I know what u did cuz hes a smart guy u know we kinda think the same way I think the first one was vegetarian. I think the second one was chicken ethan: the first one was vegetarian chicken the second one was normal chicken which one was better the chicken one...But s-sorry kinda feel guilty about it but ethan: we don't need that water sand girl life I know wow. WOoOw. I can't believe ur actually doing this that is ur first time eating chicken that was my first time ever eating fucking chicken EVER.
*Mumbling* ethan:well u had chicken before that ethan:that was ur second time eating chicken technically cuz the first one was like four minutes ago... With the chicken leg right before this oh my god that was chicken *laughing* yea that was just a different kind of chicken I get it big steps. BiG StePS. U can probably lose the blindfold the rest of the time cuz the rest of it's pretty unique alright ethan: I was thinking it would be more epic if u have to like - MoRe EpiC.
*Laughs* *regret* *laughing* *sexy music* aHhhH ethan: it's fish in a box oh fun! Wait so maybe-these are vegetarian so i'm gonna have dinner for like half or whatever ethan: yea I did that just in case i'm just gonna eat it. Nothing could be more painful than my life right now ethan (off screen): those chopsticks are fucking upside down *laughs* k which one should I eat first? Ethan (off screen): the red one i'm gonna gag for sure ethan (off screen): no ur not (no I am) do it it tastes like candy mMMmMM ok nonono no NO no no u have to dip u have to dip a lot make it nice and moist *coughs* *booing* *suspenseful music* see? Yea no that's not bad at all ethan (offscreen):its really good its kinda good :) i'm trying this one next cuz idk it just kinda looks fun ethan (offscreen): guess what kind of fish that last one was I already said that was salmon!!! It fucking broke now ethan (offscreen): definitely wasn't salmon so ok it definitely was ethan: yup. Totally. Ew omg i'm scared ethan: chew! Idk I don't like this one *gags* as much ethan: I can't believe ur doing this its just so- uuh I don't like this one I - ugh i'm having an issue because im a very picky eater as we know and this has like fucking lines in it and there's something about lines or like really small like fibers in foods like that fucking - I don't like like when ur eating tomato sauce and there's like a little tomato s- like- string thing like fuck that u know what im saying ew fuck...I mean let's go for it ethan (offscreen): oh wow grayson: there's soy all over your bench ethan: what'd u think?!??!? Well- this is a fucking mess it makes me want to die ok! Let me finish this and then we'll- do I have other things? Ethan: yea - no grayson gRaYsoN GRAYSON.
I wanted that *fiesta music* heh heh it looks like a tongue. Whip it around ethan: ew (emma laughs) wait wait wait my camera's about to die *frantic mumbling* ethan: what do u think the first one was? Ok I think the first one was salmon ethan: no. The second one? Um...Also salmon the second one was salmon ok the third one was some sort of halibut *grayson wheezes* grayson: halibut ethan: it was tuna- grayson:some sort of HaLiBuT. *Laughs* ethan: tuna, salmon, yellowtail mhm - OH tuna!! Ew!! I hate tuna no raw tuna's good ok *sexy music* I thought that it was over and then a pizza shows up that has meat on it and now I have to eat it ...Yea ok say it again ethan:should I be the delivery man? No this is fucking nasty to me ethan:i don't even think I would eat that I would never order that nO OnE WoULd ethan: maybe ur grandpa grandpas ethan: kinda smells like *pussy* i'm eating- ugh I feel like I need to shower after this fucking video like i'm getting the fucking meat sweats *ugh* (offscreen): *giggles* meat sweats oh this sauce is really good ethan: watch u like it no.
There's too much fucking meat! Ethan: I can't believe ur eating this much meat this is actually insane i'm probably gonna fucking die soon here's my issue with this pizza: sauce and cheese were actually really fucking good cuz I love pizza so it doesn't take much to impress me w/ that EW and it's like going down my throat all slow and like scratching on the way down haha i'm not- ethan: I think that's just u have to- I think u just have to chew it more well that's probably it but everything about the pizza is actually good except for that the meat is on it moral of the story is i'm not really into it ethan:do u think u said enough? Yes what do u think I think it's time for the finale!!! *Sexy music* ethan: it's finale time! Why r u so close to my face with the camera? Emma: it's kind of funny looking ethan: it's kinda goofy alright road trip we're going to vegas!! Emma: vegas!!!! Mr. King: vegas!! :) Do u have to pee? Emma:yea kinda do ethan: there's urinals at in n out *emma laughts* *deep throat by cupcakke playing* ethan: do u know what ur gonna get? *Big fucking sigh* I have no clue what i'm gonna get grayson: ur gonna get a hamburger aren't u? Yea but I don't really like toppings :/ grayson: just get the meat with no bun ethan: hold the meat like that ok ethan: just flap it around and then- flap it around and then :P ok ethan: no don't do that why?? Look at me & bryant hi Bryant!!! Hi mr. King!!! Mr. King: what's up guys *laughs* ethan: he's the cutest guy of all time *laughs* this is what Bryant the photographer looks like guys mr.
King: no its not he's in fact freakin awesome and perfect ethan: can I have a double double with no tomatoes and no onions james is in this video!1!!1! Emma's eating meat for the first time by the way james charles: oh you're fuck- that was my fucking idea for her! U guys fucking suck emma: I love you! James: fuck you *laughs* james: k bye *grayson laughs* ethan: shit ready-epic editing? *Swaggy ass music* oOoooOh shit hit a zoom on this shit dAaAAmMMMNnN. Emma: ummmm no *poor mr. King :/* am I gonna hit this car yea probably yea let's do it ethan: wooow. Mukbang :P.
For the finale i'm gonna be eating in n out because I grew up in california everybody fuckin loves in n out and I've like never tried it I should by now...Have...Had one...And I...Haven't this is a double double there's two fucking patties in it which is way too much for my veggie ass show them the two patties ew it kinda smells like a fuckin *sniffs* that's kind of not a good smell u just can't think about it *slurps* uGh-this was a- no in three..Two..One i'm scared zErO nEgAtiVE OnE. I CAN'T BELIEVE U JUST DID THAT (for the fiftieth fucking time) kinda dry get another bite? Bite it here...That looks kinda wet *laughs* BIG BITE! BIG BITE! OH WooOoOW. It's dripping it's dripping it's dripping throw it out the window I'm nOt GoNnA ThRoW iT OuT ThE wINdoW! NOOOoO. Underwhelmed I've literally had veggie burgers that were better than that which is surprising because like...I don't know...Veggie burgers are supposed to be boring as fuck but I- i'm not a fan! Here's the thing: there is a lot of hype around the in n ouwt iN n OuWt in n ouwt? There's a lot of hype around in n out.
It's hard when something's so hyped up for you to be like you know you hype it up so much in your head yeah like it wasn't like uGhHHGHHGhH u know what I mean like it was pretty good but it was like- that's-that's the...Tea i think my favorite thing of the day today was definitely chick fil a overall consensus - is that the right word? I have no fucking clue I didn't go to school me either I think my overall conclusion is that: meat? Is it good? Sure. But it's not great. But meat's not bad meat has its moments it doesn't make me feel that good it kind of makes me feel a little bit oily...And sweaty I think that was the meat lover's pizza I think that was just me though...Like I think I was just like that before maybe ur just a little nervous :P. I ate the meat and I chewed it up and I swallowed that shit meat honestly is a solid four and a half out of ten I really am underwhelmed.
I'm not excited about it. I really don't care. I'm probably still gonna be vegetarian after this and that's the damn tea I luv u <3, thanks for watching, hope u had fun- u talk way too much and way too fast no this is good that's it for today's- that's it for today's video i'm done aaaaannnnnndddd ethan: do u feel sick? No I don't feel sick ethan: see I think that's a lot of people's biggest worry that they'll feel sick (right) you don't feel sick? No I feel fucking fine ok byeeee see u guys later! There was nothing to worry about...What does that mean? *Laughs* there's nothing- she fucking- there's nothing- there was nothing wrong- nothing bad happened she shouldn't have been worrying about anything no I was fine it's not a big deal it's not a big deal why do my teeth look so white like this? Me too *laughing* ok bye I need to go *far away - tomppabeats*.
You know because I don't know whats good so I have some meaty friends to pick (laughs) Ethan (off camera): Oh my god It;s not here yet. The stuff that I need is not here yet the stuff that I need is not here yet okay well then we'll wait *waiting music* ethan: waiting *more waiting music* ethan: alright watch us wait for 5 minutes the next 5 minutes of the video is just this *waiting music* ethan: you know people actually click off if i say that *more music* Grayson: bring out the fuckin meat dUdE iTs nOt hErE yEt There's some meats that are here why can't i just eat start out with *stutters* because I neEd to. Do. It.
In order *shook* it needs to be orderly okay since I know this is emma's first time eating meat i got her the best meats of all time I just don't like the way that sounds yeah it's kinda gross i'll refrain from saying that from now on i gOt EmMa sOmE nOn-vEgEtArIaN oPtIoNs grayson: the cultry grayson: isn't meat called cultry? Dude idk i think sometimes ethan: I don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about ethan:thats-thats poultry right??? Grayson (off camera): oh, poultry is what emma: bLshHHv that's knifes ethan: that's cutlery aHh we're not just gonna get her some fucking like pepperoni from the frozen section at a grocery store if its her first time eating meat that would just be wrong (that's so rude) I'm gonna blind fold emma While shes- k- I kinda wanna sa- i kno right? Right it just sounds wrong no i know ur gonna guess what it is and then we're gonna do a review on it because you need to have more confidence yea I am So scared *Im so fancy- Iggy azalea* ethan (off camera):CLOSE UR EYES. K fuck OK. OhMyGoD AAH. Just relax Im sory! I'm a lil scard ethan: this is gonna be interesting grayson: can I only be in it this much? Yea thats good I'm just like really scared b- honestly im pretty chilled with like trying new foods but I think the thing that i'm like worried about is the fact that like steak makes me want to vomit and die like when I look at it and that's the one thing i'm scared about *sexual* You've never tried it! Yea but like *Music* its chickEn ethan: alright first round grayson: wait no you should start with ethan:NO.
*Bromance* i hate this ew all of it smells weird ethan:omg I can't believe ur doing this *you put the lime in the coconut* lEt Me JuSt set it up for a nice label ok gud y is he yelling *laughs* NO NOoOOooOOo NoOOOooOO. NOoOOOoO. NOoOoOOo *regret* dont smell it dont do anything wait I cant smell it? No FUCK ME. Ethan: Its not gross I do it everyday okay also afjdklsa- yeah but like you've been doing it FUCK U.
No this is actually so terrifying also the more i react and act like annoying the more content i have so just let me have this freak out moment ethan: dont lick it! It feels kinda heavy so i feel like this might be steak and now im scared cause thats the thing i wanted to try the least can i like lick it ethan: NO. WHY!? *Booing* ew why is it like stringy like why are there like fucking flops all over it you mean flaps? Yeaa you just eat it whole like there you go-holy you did it ew ethan: chill grayson:don't cover your fucking TAKE YOUR BLINDFOLD OFF NOW what ru ethan: no NO DONT TAKE IT DONT TAKE IT OFF. *BOOO* ethan: you finished it holy shit no way you just did that wat is it? Was it bad? The actual flavour of it was actually really good sjgfhdfhdsj *laughing* okay but the texture of it made me wanna *inaudible* hi : ) wow what a experience SO. Ethan: what do u think it was? I actually genuinely dont have any clue ethan: oHmYgOd thats crazy are you serious? I DONT KNOW WHAT IT WAS.
It kinda tasted like bacon but like only a lil bit it wasnt bad i think the thing i hated about it was the fact that it was kinda like luke warm which is just gross for any food you can give me like a luke warm salad and i also wanna die so like i think its just that mmhh i dont kno wat it is either ham or like chicken but i dont know i couldnt fucking tell you that just tasted like MEAT. *Patriotic music* I dont think that was chicken so ham! You thought the first one was ham yes i did youre fucking wrong ur kidding are u actually kidding? Yeah im kidding no yeah i am it was ham. It was ham? No it was CHICKEN. NO WAY! Thats so weird that you didnt know that.
Honestly no i genuinely didnt. *Sexy music* Fuck i hate this. (Slapping thighs) feeling a little bit nervous recently ow fuck (PrOfAnItY) did u just eat some of it? *Laughter* hOw iS iT? Ethan: I mean wut? Wut? *Put the lime in the coconut* nOoOOOoOO. Ethan: don't flap it around too much cuz it's barely on the fork u need to be creative fUcK *deep inhale* fjdkowe...I need a meditation moment should I go for it? Ethan: mm think so uGgGGHHHhHH.
What if I spit it out I don't have anything to prepare- ethan (off camera): ur not gonna spit it out wHy? Are you ready? Im ready r u? The thing is is that he didn't tell me what he was ordering when he was ordering it so it's not even like I can do process of elimination there's so many types of meat this could be a fucking alligator I have to fucking piss too ethan: u have to piss? Yea I kinda do uHHHh this is the weirdest texture I've ever had eW I hate this ...MHm (mmm) weLL. I know what it is and that's why I want to throw up *laughs* eW *shivers* its definitely steak the flavor of it was bomb as fuck like I. It actually tastes so good grayson: ur a chicken lover? <3 I dOn'T KnOw the texture is sOo weird - it also kinda tasted bloody a little bit its like a mushroom for me like do mushrooms taste bad no but like because I don't like the idea of mushrooms I gag when I eat them *gags* who the fuck is it- OH postmates HI. Wait u have to say-what do u think- what was the second one second one was definitely steak alright yup let's go *sexy music* last one kinda made me want to vomit and die so kinda worried about what's next ooh kind of- this one kinda smells fun *suspense sound effect* *put the lime in the coconut* ethan: and go *cheers* ok *boing* *crickets* what the fuck ok that was definitely like a chicken nugget ethan: that was ur guess? A chicken nugget! Yea.
Blindfold back on ok kinda like really bland tho like really bland so idk cuz I used to eat like vegetarian chicken nuggets and shit like those were fun as hell *laughter* like that was really boring so BORING!!! Still on it. I'm still thinking about it ethan: and go *exhales* I get scared like right before ethan:just go ok *cheering* this is also a chicken nugget. I know what u did. Oh I know what u did grayson (off camera): stop covering ur face nO CuZ I EaT wEiRd *chokes* this is really good ethan: which one was better 1 or 2? 2 Number one was fucking- tasted like water sand...
Like but number two tasted like a flavorful explosion *laughs* ethan: what do u think number one was? Oh yeah I know what u did cuz hes a smart guy u know we kinda think the same way I think the first one was vegetarian. I think the second one was chicken ethan: the first one was vegetarian chicken the second one was normal chicken which one was better the chicken one...But s-sorry kinda feel guilty about it but ethan: we don't need that water sand girl life I know wow. WOoOw. I can't believe ur actually doing this that is ur first time eating chicken that was my first time ever eating fucking chicken EVER.
*Mumbling* ethan:well u had chicken before that ethan:that was ur second time eating chicken technically cuz the first one was like four minutes ago... With the chicken leg right before this oh my god that was chicken *laughing* yea that was just a different kind of chicken I get it big steps. BiG StePS. U can probably lose the blindfold the rest of the time cuz the rest of it's pretty unique alright ethan: I was thinking it would be more epic if u have to like - MoRe EpiC.
*Laughs* *regret* *laughing* *sexy music* aHhhH ethan: it's fish in a box oh fun! Wait so maybe-these are vegetarian so i'm gonna have dinner for like half or whatever ethan: yea I did that just in case i'm just gonna eat it. Nothing could be more painful than my life right now ethan (off screen): those chopsticks are fucking upside down *laughs* k which one should I eat first? Ethan (off screen): the red one i'm gonna gag for sure ethan (off screen): no ur not (no I am) do it it tastes like candy mMMmMM ok nonono no NO no no u have to dip u have to dip a lot make it nice and moist *coughs* *booing* *suspenseful music* see? Yea no that's not bad at all ethan (offscreen):its really good its kinda good :) i'm trying this one next cuz idk it just kinda looks fun ethan (offscreen): guess what kind of fish that last one was I already said that was salmon!!! It fucking broke now ethan (offscreen): definitely wasn't salmon so ok it definitely was ethan: yup. Totally. Ew omg i'm scared ethan: chew! Idk I don't like this one *gags* as much ethan: I can't believe ur doing this its just so- uuh I don't like this one I - ugh i'm having an issue because im a very picky eater as we know and this has like fucking lines in it and there's something about lines or like really small like fibers in foods like that fucking - I don't like like when ur eating tomato sauce and there's like a little tomato s- like- string thing like fuck that u know what im saying ew fuck...I mean let's go for it ethan (offscreen): oh wow grayson: there's soy all over your bench ethan: what'd u think?!??!? Well- this is a fucking mess it makes me want to die ok! Let me finish this and then we'll- do I have other things? Ethan: yea - no grayson gRaYsoN GRAYSON.
I wanted that *fiesta music* heh heh it looks like a tongue. Whip it around ethan: ew (emma laughs) wait wait wait my camera's about to die *frantic mumbling* ethan: what do u think the first one was? Ok I think the first one was salmon ethan: no. The second one? Um...Also salmon the second one was salmon ok the third one was some sort of halibut *grayson wheezes* grayson: halibut ethan: it was tuna- grayson:some sort of HaLiBuT. *Laughs* ethan: tuna, salmon, yellowtail mhm - OH tuna!! Ew!! I hate tuna no raw tuna's good ok *sexy music* I thought that it was over and then a pizza shows up that has meat on it and now I have to eat it ...Yea ok say it again ethan:should I be the delivery man? No this is fucking nasty to me ethan:i don't even think I would eat that I would never order that nO OnE WoULd ethan: maybe ur grandpa grandpas ethan: kinda smells like *pussy* i'm eating- ugh I feel like I need to shower after this fucking video like i'm getting the fucking meat sweats *ugh* (offscreen): *giggles* meat sweats oh this sauce is really good ethan: watch u like it no.
There's too much fucking meat! Ethan: I can't believe ur eating this much meat this is actually insane i'm probably gonna fucking die soon here's my issue with this pizza: sauce and cheese were actually really fucking good cuz I love pizza so it doesn't take much to impress me w/ that EW and it's like going down my throat all slow and like scratching on the way down haha i'm not- ethan: I think that's just u have to- I think u just have to chew it more well that's probably it but everything about the pizza is actually good except for that the meat is on it moral of the story is i'm not really into it ethan:do u think u said enough? Yes what do u think I think it's time for the finale!!! *Sexy music* ethan: it's finale time! Why r u so close to my face with the camera? Emma: it's kind of funny looking ethan: it's kinda goofy alright road trip we're going to vegas!! Emma: vegas!!!! Mr. King: vegas!! :) Do u have to pee? Emma:yea kinda do ethan: there's urinals at in n out *emma laughts* *deep throat by cupcakke playing* ethan: do u know what ur gonna get? *Big fucking sigh* I have no clue what i'm gonna get grayson: ur gonna get a hamburger aren't u? Yea but I don't really like toppings :/ grayson: just get the meat with no bun ethan: hold the meat like that ok ethan: just flap it around and then- flap it around and then :P ok ethan: no don't do that why?? Look at me & bryant hi Bryant!!! Hi mr. King!!! Mr. King: what's up guys *laughs* ethan: he's the cutest guy of all time *laughs* this is what Bryant the photographer looks like guys mr.
King: no its not he's in fact freakin awesome and perfect ethan: can I have a double double with no tomatoes and no onions james is in this video!1!!1! Emma's eating meat for the first time by the way james charles: oh you're fuck- that was my fucking idea for her! U guys fucking suck emma: I love you! James: fuck you *laughs* james: k bye *grayson laughs* ethan: shit ready-epic editing? *Swaggy ass music* oOoooOh shit hit a zoom on this shit dAaAAmMMMNnN. Emma: ummmm no *poor mr. King :/* am I gonna hit this car yea probably yea let's do it ethan: wooow. Mukbang :P.
For the finale i'm gonna be eating in n out because I grew up in california everybody fuckin loves in n out and I've like never tried it I should by now...Have...Had one...And I...Haven't this is a double double there's two fucking patties in it which is way too much for my veggie ass show them the two patties ew it kinda smells like a fuckin *sniffs* that's kind of not a good smell u just can't think about it *slurps* uGh-this was a- no in three..Two..One i'm scared zErO nEgAtiVE OnE. I CAN'T BELIEVE U JUST DID THAT (for the fiftieth fucking time) kinda dry get another bite? Bite it here...That looks kinda wet *laughs* BIG BITE! BIG BITE! OH WooOoOW. It's dripping it's dripping it's dripping throw it out the window I'm nOt GoNnA ThRoW iT OuT ThE wINdoW! NOOOoO. Underwhelmed I've literally had veggie burgers that were better than that which is surprising because like...I don't know...Veggie burgers are supposed to be boring as fuck but I- i'm not a fan! Here's the thing: there is a lot of hype around the in n ouwt iN n OuWt in n ouwt? There's a lot of hype around in n out.
It's hard when something's so hyped up for you to be like you know you hype it up so much in your head yeah like it wasn't like uGhHHGHHGhH u know what I mean like it was pretty good but it was like- that's-that's the...Tea i think my favorite thing of the day today was definitely chick fil a overall consensus - is that the right word? I have no fucking clue I didn't go to school me either I think my overall conclusion is that: meat? Is it good? Sure. But it's not great. But meat's not bad meat has its moments it doesn't make me feel that good it kind of makes me feel a little bit oily...And sweaty I think that was the meat lover's pizza I think that was just me though...Like I think I was just like that before maybe ur just a little nervous :P. I ate the meat and I chewed it up and I swallowed that shit meat honestly is a solid four and a half out of ten I really am underwhelmed.
I'm not excited about it. I really don't care. I'm probably still gonna be vegetarian after this and that's the damn tea I luv u <3, thanks for watching, hope u had fun- u talk way too much and way too fast no this is good that's it for today's- that's it for today's video i'm done aaaaannnnnndddd ethan: do u feel sick? No I don't feel sick ethan: see I think that's a lot of people's biggest worry that they'll feel sick (right) you don't feel sick? No I feel fucking fine ok byeeee see u guys later! There was nothing to worry about...What does that mean? *Laughs* there's nothing- she fucking- there's nothing- there was nothing wrong- nothing bad happened she shouldn't have been worrying about anything no I was fine it's not a big deal it's not a big deal why do my teeth look so white like this? Me too *laughing* ok bye I need to go *far away - tomppabeats*.
- 10:54 AM
- thalia
- Cooking, recipes, vegetarian
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Hey everyone, this is Mark Wiens with Eating
Thai Food dot com. Today I'm at one of the ultimate vegetarian food courts in Bangkok,
it's called Baan Suan Pai, also known as Banana Family Park. Of course, if you're vegetarian
or vegan you're going to absolutely love this place, but the food is so good here, you'll
want to eat here even if you're a carnivore. To get to Baan Suan Pai take the BTS to Ari
station, take exit number one and go down the stairs to your left, walk along Phahon
Yothin road for about one hundred meters until you reach a sign that says welcome to banana
family park.
Turn right into the small cafe alley way, walk all the way to the back past
a few coffee shops and a few stores until you can smell the delicious vegetarian food. It's like a food court style, so you order
your food here and then you go sit at a table. As you can see, I went a little crazy, but
the food all looked so good that you can easily accumulate a bunch of different things. I'm
going to go through the food right now and show you exactly what I ordered.
I got a dish, it's a curry made with pumpkin. Bitterness is an excellent flavor but it does
take a little getting used to. Ohh, I love that. This is called puak tod, and this is taro
ground up and then it's fried on the outside into a loaf.
Add some of this sauce. Got a quick dish here called kuay teow lui
suan, it's like a noodle wrapper filled with lettuce, some herbs, I think there's some
tofu and mushrooms in that. It's very fresh, the sweet and sour and spicy sauce is fantastic. This is probably my favorite thing at this
whole restaurant, these beautiful skewers of steak.
No they're not steak actually, they
are mushrooms. I just wanted to mention the vegetarian Thai
food guide. It's an eighty page ebook stuffed with useful information and tips about how
you can order and eat tastiest vegetarian and vegan food that Thailand has to offer. If you're vegetarian, if you're vegan, or
even if you just want to start eating healthy delicious Thai food, make sure you get your
own copy of the vegetarian Thai food guide, so you can take advantage of this awesome
food, it's just incredible.
Anyways, as you can see, I still have a bunch
of food left on the table, I'm about to dig in and finish it all. I finished off all of the food except for
this last bite which is the last remaining piece of het hom ping, the absolute sirloin
kobe beef of all mushrooms and it's fully vegetarian. It just melts in your mouth, it's
juicy, it's tender, that will put a smile on your face any day. Thanks for watching this video, when you're
in Thailand make sure you eat and sample all kinds of delicious Thai vegetarian food and
don't forget to check out the vegetarian Thai food guide!.
Thai Food dot com. Today I'm at one of the ultimate vegetarian food courts in Bangkok,
it's called Baan Suan Pai, also known as Banana Family Park. Of course, if you're vegetarian
or vegan you're going to absolutely love this place, but the food is so good here, you'll
want to eat here even if you're a carnivore. To get to Baan Suan Pai take the BTS to Ari
station, take exit number one and go down the stairs to your left, walk along Phahon
Yothin road for about one hundred meters until you reach a sign that says welcome to banana
family park.
Turn right into the small cafe alley way, walk all the way to the back past
a few coffee shops and a few stores until you can smell the delicious vegetarian food. It's like a food court style, so you order
your food here and then you go sit at a table. As you can see, I went a little crazy, but
the food all looked so good that you can easily accumulate a bunch of different things. I'm
going to go through the food right now and show you exactly what I ordered.
I got a dish, it's a curry made with pumpkin. Bitterness is an excellent flavor but it does
take a little getting used to. Ohh, I love that. This is called puak tod, and this is taro
ground up and then it's fried on the outside into a loaf.
Add some of this sauce. Got a quick dish here called kuay teow lui
suan, it's like a noodle wrapper filled with lettuce, some herbs, I think there's some
tofu and mushrooms in that. It's very fresh, the sweet and sour and spicy sauce is fantastic. This is probably my favorite thing at this
whole restaurant, these beautiful skewers of steak.
No they're not steak actually, they
are mushrooms. I just wanted to mention the vegetarian Thai
food guide. It's an eighty page ebook stuffed with useful information and tips about how
you can order and eat tastiest vegetarian and vegan food that Thailand has to offer. If you're vegetarian, if you're vegan, or
even if you just want to start eating healthy delicious Thai food, make sure you get your
own copy of the vegetarian Thai food guide, so you can take advantage of this awesome
food, it's just incredible.
Anyways, as you can see, I still have a bunch
of food left on the table, I'm about to dig in and finish it all. I finished off all of the food except for
this last bite which is the last remaining piece of het hom ping, the absolute sirloin
kobe beef of all mushrooms and it's fully vegetarian. It just melts in your mouth, it's
juicy, it's tender, that will put a smile on your face any day. Thanks for watching this video, when you're
in Thailand make sure you eat and sample all kinds of delicious Thai vegetarian food and
don't forget to check out the vegetarian Thai food guide!.
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