Monkey and Miss monkey, Mr. Monkey has been known to make some great cereals for breakfast um. I just love cooking in general I think the thing that got me [started] with cookingggn Was just seeing how the process was to bake and put stuff in the oven [and] do all that stuff? It's just I love that Miss monkey She's a bit of a mystery to us, so this is part of my good behavior They said cooking would help me relax more. I'm still waiting With us tonight.
We have some very special judges we have the very talented Yolanda Peparonchini. Yes. My name is Yolanda. Yes, I have written like 10 books Cuisine books.
I own three or four restaurants. I've travelled all around the world and now I'm doing this. I don't think my agent likes me very much. We also have the world-Renowned chef Massimo Sassimo Oh, let's get to it tonight [you] both will be making a very special dessert Marshmallows and the secret ingredient [are] you ready for this? Peruvian Squid but Peruvian Squid butts for me to work with Peruvian squid [why] it's Peruvian Squid buns, whatever okay? For me to work with Peruvian squid butts.
[I] need to think outside the box I need a box. I've had a lot of good memories making Peruvian squid [bite] so with my mother and Yeah, I [just] want to wow the judges today [alright]. Let's get started in three two one Let's get cooking chefs Judges who do you think will win today? You know this is a tough decision the competition is very close. You know what at the end of the day.
We all win. They're just kids Did you really just ask me that question who cares who wins ? I used to date Antonio Banderas We were like this. I went all over with him and now I'm judging these kids So who you.....Don't talk to me? Just don't. I think you guys are doing a great job Okay, utensils down stop cooking the first dish is prepared by Mr..
Monkey for my first marshmallow [I] wanted to make the old-fashioned type because I wanted to bring back some Nostalgia from the judges childhoods and the second type of marshmallows that I prepared we're start [it--] marshmallows with two different colors and The flowers are edible. Enjoy Not bad. It doesn't make me Gag and The next dish is prepared by Miss Monkey Whoa, whoa, whoa, what happened here? Is this a joke? Where where's the sweet but weird way to marshmallows of course it's empty. How is someone supposed to make marshmallows out of Parisian sweet buds Peruvian squid buds.
I don't care okay. Where's the squid, but where were the marshmallows? What is a peruvian squid but anyway does anybody even eat? It is it like real or something okay? So I'm gonna give this an A for effort because I [think] that you did your best [um] So I really appreciate better..... You lose beat it. I'm being sabotage Saboteur the boy wins [ah] congratulations Today was a tough competition, but [I'm] glad I won and I'm really happy Thanks, mom, and there you [have] it, Mr..
Monkey is the clear winner Thanks again for watching and if there's a secret ingredient that you want to use on the next episode let us know What a ripoff this was a total joke. Hey someone gonna reimburse me [for] my Uber? Yeah y'all Uh-Huh? Yeah, y'all.

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