- [Narrator] We use cast
iron skillets all the time in the Tasty Kitchen for a
million different reasons. They're virtually indestructible,
they last forever, and unlike a lot of things
you're gonna have in the kitchen, they actually tend to get better with age. People are often a little
bit intimidated by cast iron, thinking it's, you know,
very hard to deal with or hard to clean. It's actually really easy, you just have to know
what you're looking for.

So, seasoning is a process
you want to go through even if it's new or you
have an old cast iron that was passed down to you. Often when you have a new
cast iron and there's been any water that's left on, they're really susceptible to rust. We're gonna help you figure
out how to prevent that from happening and how to clean that off. So we're gonna start by
getting some steel wool.

Whether it's knew or has
a bunch or rust on it, we're just gonna scrub
it down with steel wool with a mild dish soap and
just get it down to its kind of base layer. The way that cast irons are made, it's all kinda one piece
and you can't just season the part that you cook with. You want to season the entire thing. While we're here we're just
gonna keep scrubbing along all of the sides, on the
back of it, turn it over, get the handle.

Once you're happy that all the
rust and or gunk off there, you can go give it a
rinse under hot water. And either use one of those
non-abrasive scouring pads or the tough side of a sponge. Just do another quick go around, making sure you got every nook and cranny. A good rule to remember whenever
you're dealing with cast iron is water will make it rust.

We always want to get it as
dry as possible before we store or move onto the next step. So because of that, we're
gonna dry it off with a towel and then you're gonna
put it onto your stove and turn it on. And let all of that excess
water, any extra moisture, boil off. Once you're happy your
skillet is bone dry, we're gonna take it off the
heat and start our seasoning process with a thin layer of oil.

The new standard is that
flax seed oil is the best oil for the job. It actually drys the hardest
and creates the best non-stick, longest lasting seasoning. The only downfall is
it is pretty expensive and if you don't want
to spend that much money or frankly, you just don't
have it in your pantry, canola oil will work just fine. A little background on your skillet.

The surface is actually porous, which just means there's kind
of small holes or pores even that we kinda want to
fill up to make a nice, smooth cooking surface. So once we have this thin layer
of oil all over the skillet, we're actually gonna do our
best to wipe it all off. There's enough oil that has
soaked into those open pores. So take the clean side of your paper towel and rub off as much of the oil as you can.

One of the biggest problems
people have is they don't wipe off enough oil and they
have too thick of a layer, and then it comes out of
the oven very sticky still and not giving them the
result that they want. So you're gonna put your
cast iron in your oven on the highest temperature it can go, between 450 and 500 degrees. So this process is gonna
take about an hour. The reason we need our oven
so high is that we actually want to take the oil past its
smoking point so that the oil actually starts to breakdown
and bond with the cast iron.

So if you've ever taken our
your skillet and it's still kind of brown and sticky, it's probably because your
oven wasn't hot enough. So after an hour, you can turn
off your oven and let it cool in there. The result is a hard glassy
layer that we're looking for that helps make our cast iron non-stick. So, intro to cooking with cast iron.

You actually really do
have to pre-heat it. It doesn't necessarily heat evenly, but it keeps the heat really well. So just take your time, heat
it on a low to medium heat. This may take five to ten minutes.

Because cast iron is such
a great conductor of heat, if you actually just
carefully hover your hand over the bottom of the skillet, you can feel when the pan's ready to go. A lot of people are confused. You know, they did all the seasoning and their food is sticking to the pan. Usually that's because
they're putting cold food in a cold cast iron pan.

One reason to get a cast iron
skillet really is to sear things like meat. So another things that people
are maybe confused about when they're cooking with a
cast iron is they tend to wanna just move the food around a lot. And actually what we're
trying to do here is build up a nice caramelized crust. So when you put any meat
in your hot skillet, just leave it.

Let it cook. When you see the kinda brown
crust forming on the outside, that's when you know it's ready to flip. So if you're trying to lift
up your steak and it just will not give, it's probably
just not ready yet. The meat will self release
when the crust has formed.

Why we love using cast
iron skillet for Tasty too is because you can start
something on the stove and finish it in the oven. So you oven here that you
can't cook acidic foods in a cast iron skillets. However, if you have a good
layer of seasoning on there, that's totally fine. You don't want to do a ton of, you know, a big tomato sauce or a
bunch of wine or vinegar, but a little bit's not really
gonna kill your seasoning.

Don't be afraid to roast
things like tomatoes in your cast iron skillet. The great thing about being
able to cook with something on the stove top and finish it in the oven is you just have a lot more control. You can get a nice layer of
caramelization from a high heat on the stove and then finish
something cooking in the oven on a much gentler, radiant heat. So when you're cleaning your cast iron, you want to hit a sweet spot.

If it's cooled down too much, the food will adhere and
really stick to the pan. And if it's too hot and you
put it under cold water, you can risk it cracking. So you want to wash the pan
pretty soon after you use it. The most gentle way to clean
your skillet is with hot water and salt and a non-metal scouring pad or the rough side of your sponge.

The salt works as an abrasive
and helps to scrub off any food that's on there without damaging the seasoning at all. Once you're happy that your pan is clean, give it another towel dry and
then let it completely dry off either on the stove or in a
warm oven just to make sure there's no lingering moisture. And that's gonna protect it
from rusting in the future. So last thing, we're gonna
put a protective layer of oil on the skillet before we store it.

Carefully with a paper towel, rub that all along the inside. Turn up the heat until the oil is smoking, then turn it off and let
it cool on the stove. The reason why we want to
take up to the smoking point is so that the oil doesn't turn rancid. Cast iron skillets may
seem like a lot of work but just follow these simple
rules of seasoning and cleaning and these pans will last you a lifetime.

It's like loving a good woman. The more you give, the more you get back. (Laughing).

How To Cook With Cast Iron

On tonight's [episode] of Super battle cooking challenge for tonight's competition. We've never seen this before. We have [a] brother and sister Going toe-to-toe in this cooking challenge Bruce. We haven't seen anything like this before have we Let's meet them, so we have Mr..

Monkey and Miss monkey, Mr. Monkey has been known to make some great cereals for breakfast um. I just love cooking in general I think the thing that got me [started] with cookingggn Was just seeing how the process was to bake and put stuff in the oven [and] do all that stuff? It's just I love that Miss monkey She's a bit of a mystery to us, so this is part of my good behavior They said cooking would help me relax more. I'm still waiting With us tonight.

We have some very special judges we have the very talented Yolanda Peparonchini. Yes. My name is Yolanda. Yes, I have written like 10 books Cuisine books.

I own three or four restaurants. I've travelled all around the world and now I'm doing this. I don't think my agent likes me very much. We also have the world-Renowned chef Massimo Sassimo Oh, let's get to it tonight [you] both will be making a very special dessert Marshmallows and the secret ingredient [are] you ready for this? Peruvian Squid but Peruvian Squid butts  for me to work with Peruvian squid [why] it's Peruvian Squid buns, whatever okay? For me to work with Peruvian squid butts.

[I] need to think outside the box I need a box. I've had a lot of good memories making Peruvian squid [bite] so with my mother and Yeah, I [just] want to wow the judges today [alright]. Let's get started in three two one Let's get cooking chefs Judges who do you think will win today? You know this is a tough decision the competition is very close. You know what at the end of the day.

We all win. They're just kids Did you really just ask me that question who cares who wins ? I used to date Antonio Banderas We were like this. I went all over with him and now I'm judging these kids So who you.....Don't talk to me? Just don't. I think you guys are doing a great job Okay, utensils down stop cooking the first dish is prepared by Mr..

Monkey for my first marshmallow [I] wanted to make the old-fashioned type because I wanted to bring back some Nostalgia from the judges childhoods and the second type of marshmallows that I prepared we're start [it--] marshmallows with two different colors and The flowers are edible. Enjoy Not bad. It doesn't make me Gag and The next dish is prepared by Miss Monkey Whoa, whoa, whoa, what happened here? Is this a joke? Where where's the sweet but weird way to marshmallows of course it's empty. How is someone supposed to make marshmallows out of Parisian sweet buds Peruvian squid buds.

I don't care okay. Where's the squid, but where were the marshmallows? What is a peruvian squid but anyway does anybody even eat? It is it like real or something okay? So I'm gonna give this an A for effort because I [think] that you did your best [um] So I really appreciate better..... You lose beat it. I'm being sabotage Saboteur the boy wins [ah] congratulations Today was a tough competition, but [I'm] glad I won and I'm really happy Thanks, mom, and there you [have] it, Mr..

Monkey is the clear winner Thanks again for watching and if there's a secret ingredient that you want to use on the next episode let us know What a ripoff this was a total joke. Hey someone gonna reimburse me [for] my Uber? Yeah y'all Uh-Huh? Yeah, y'all.


Whaddup Internet? Corinne here. And you're watching Corinne vs. Cooking. Today I'm gonna be tackling the Almighty MACARON, not MACAROONS.

That's not how you pronounce it. They are two different things, two different Things. Yeah, French people must be pissed about that They spent hundreds of years Perfecting this perfect little cookie Thing that takes a really long time to Make and people confuse them with this Coconut piece of sh*t! There's a video even that Tells you the wrong thing on YouTube. Imagine that.

"In English Macaron or Macaroon". People are not happy about that Video. By the way did you know the macarons had feet?! Yeah me neither. I did a lot of prior Research because there's a lot of Information on how to do this right.

So, Let's get started, shall we? Alright here we go, out into the public lands Fingers crossed that they have what we need Yes here it is, the Silpat, mofos. Now I need some of this and one of these. Yes I think this is going to be big enough, that's what she said. DID IT.

Now I'm on my way to go get some eggs. EGGSciting, isn't it? Hm, this seems easier. I'm gonna go that route Nice rainy day for making MACARONS. Now Let's get our French f*ckin' cooking on.

Alright here we are back in the safety of our home Apparently I'm supposed to let these sit out for several hours to age them which is A little weird to me I don't know if I like it. What do you think, Kitty? Do you call them Macarons Or Macaroons? Oh you don't care? Fine... Four hours later. *Sighs* it's all dark now and here they sit.

I don't know about this, you guys. I don't know what I do Know is that we have to measure out all Of our stuff with a scale. Otherwise, Failure! Ok so measure your sh*t out. As you can see, That's what I'm doing here and doing a Really good job.

I'm really good at measuring Things on a scale. Okay now I have to beat the eggs until stiff peaks form, ya, stiff peaks. Um yeah I'm actually not really sure I don't know what I'm doing. I don't think I'm doing it right There's peak like forms but there's some watery sh*t at the bottom I don't think that's how it supposed to do that.

I don't beat eggs like this very often, in fact I'm pretty sure I've never done this before so I'm not really sure this is right. Alright now I'm supposed to fold in the other stuff,um, like this and I'm not very good at folding stuff apparently. Last time I did this in the video, a bunch of people were like "you suck at that, that is not how you fold something". I'm really good at folding clothes by the way, just not good at folding sh*t into f*ckin beaten eggs, SORRY.

So at about this point is where I. Realized that I was supposed to add in the food coloring that I wanted to. So I'm just gonna add it now. That can't hurt, right? These are in honor of Martha Stewart f*ckin Breakfast at Tiffany's, the Carolina Panthers.

However you want to fuck*n look at it We're making these teal because that's what I want to do Ok? TEAL with it! Listen I know that this first batch probably isn't gonna go right. So don't be a BATCH about it! Just let me do my thing, I'm doing the best that I. Can, okay? Now this sh*t has to stay here for f*ckin 30 minutes. Sure it does look a little like runny and stuff and when I put it in the piping bag, it just kind of comes out the tip all watery and I don't think that supposed to happen.

I'm thinking that this isn't the way that it's supposed to look and they're only supposed to be about two inches big, uhh, and these kind of spread out a lot more than I thought they were going to Yes, alright, the first batch didn't go as smoothly as I would like I think we may get one good Macaron from these two right here. The other ones very abstract, it's like interpretive dance. Y'know what I mean? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention these are supposed to sit here for a f*ckin hour before I put them in the oven What the f*ck, f*ckin another hour, I'm so tired already though Whoa, whoa, what do you think you're doing? Nooo Think the moment of truth is upon us These can't be sticky to the touch (laughs) Oh yeah, does this set kind of remind you of anything? Good quality family friendly fun. Alright, time to go into the oven Yes! Alright so I'm thinking I did a couple things wrong, like instead of using my stand mixer, I.

Should've used the beater and just beat it Oh she even has a picture of those things God dammit! This is what happens when you don't pay attention to all the things Yas, okay. Macaron troubleshooting- these are all her f*ckin notes? R: You can't give up. C: There's so many things. Rob's right I can't give up! Even though he gave up making a stupid f*ckin invisible christmas tree last week.

What was that all about, You just get one and done? What the f*ck! Anyway even though I know these look terrible, I know I can do better okay? And everything I've read about making these f*ckn things, no one does it right the first time. So there's that, and after reading all the sh*t that I probably did wrong I've come to several realizations. One: my almond flour, that sh*t is probably a little too moist. That one's for you Bonita Applebaum, moist, moist.

But what I gotta do is pop it on a pan and pop that sh*t in the oven for a little bit on the low heat. Don't go too crazy,  just trying to dry it out a little bit. Don't want it to be too MOIST! Also things I didn't do last time was sift all this sh*t. I read on the blog that I'm following nothing about sifting the stuff and I just put everything in the food processor like I was told, but I'm thinking that everything needs to be sifted like five times.

So I sifted all the sugar before I weighed it which after the fact I realized that is just what you're supposed to do and I'm an idiot. Uhmm, I also sifted almond flour before I weighed it and then I put them all in the food processor together and then sifted all that sh*t again. Siftin' f*ckin' party up in here I also put the food coloring in, at the right time this time. So I think that's gonna help our chances a little bit and you know what, this batter seems a lot better.

It still has some issues though. God this is gross! Looks like f*cking crap. They by no means look like something I would like to eat. Quite the opposite actually, quite the opposite.

These f*ckin things like that, that's a problem I'm also realizing here is that I just noticed that it says pasteurized which is probably affecting my ability to make these things f*ckin do the right thing. God dammit! Why US government?? Why? Why do you have to pasteurize everything?-_- Alrighty, it's okay, it's okay. I'm gonna go get some f*ckin normal eggs, we're gonna try this again. One more time, one more time! That's it, that's all I have in me.

One more time. It's also not f*ckin raining today, so I think that's going to help our chances. Yep clear f*cking skies, no humidity in the air today. I'm actually feeling pretty parched, the sun is out.

Yay! On my way to get more f*ckin eggs EGGScellent, isn't it? Yep still hate myself, maybe even just a little bit more now. This is a terrible idea Ok here we are back at the house. Let's try this one more time! Got my eggs here, going to crack them open like I should have last time. Instead of trying to take the easy way out and failure! Yeah so I'm separating the f*ckin egg whites from the yolks, this isn't a yolk people! Now I have to let them sit here for f*ckin another four hours.

This is, this is bulls*it! But it's all for the good fight. You know what I'm saying? Alright this is the moment of truth, the the egg beating. Yes the eggs were definitely our problem. That is for goddamn sure.

This is not at all how the egg whites perform, look at these peaks! Yes! Peak performance right here. Yeah these are definitely a lot better than the last ones. Not all runny and sh*t Unfortunately I forgot to add the food coloring Other than that we're - we're doing pretty good, doing pretty good. Now we wait..........

We did it! We did it! Victory is mine, victory is mine! Yes I'd say things have gotten exponentially better Um so I know I said last time was gonna be my last try, but I really need teal macarons. We're gonna give it one more go and try to remember to add the food coloring this time. Are you ready, are you? Macaron making is no short process if you don't have a lot of time, don't make macarons! Yeah if you go on Top Chef or something and you think you can f*ckin pull out your fancy macarons, probably gonna fail. Pack your knives and go, but you know what? This f*ckin batter is looking pretty good so far.

Got my food coloring in there this f*ckin time Yes I think we are gonna have a winner y'all! Okay, we did it, I think, almost. Now we just have to let these sit here for an hour, bake them, let them cool, make some icing, sandwich them together, and then let them mature for about two days before we can eat them! (Corinne slowly losing her sanity) (Still slowly losing her sanity) I hate it. Stupid French f*ckin cookies. Why can't we just have good old chocolate chip?? This is America! We eat  chocolate chip here.

F*CK macarons, these things are stupid. Alrighty then, here they are after being baked. And yes it looks like I may have baked them just a little too long, and as you see here this is the icing decision that I made and I feel good about it! Regardless of your judgment, I don't care anymore. Yep and here they are.

Now they just have to mature for two f*ckin days and then we can eat 'em. C: Aren't they cool? I did it! R: Yea! Is that them? C: Yeah, take that one right there. R: is that safe? C: Unclear. R: This is amazing! R: No lie, thought they were going to taste like sh*t R: They should try it C: Foodporn.

R: Ha, look at that! C: Wow yeah I think I. Did it! R: Yeah it's pretty good, looks pretty good, I'm saying C: And totally not stressful at all to make them C: Oh what have you done all week Corinne? Made a bunch of f*ckin sh*t cookies That's what I've done. Actually I may have a use for these after all First shot, boom, bulls eye motherf*ck*r! R: Oh wow. C: Don't f*ck with me.

R: Don't f*ck with this rabbit. {Or she'll shoot your eye out} R: What, whaaat. C: F*cking American, buddy. I know about guns not macarons! R: Sharp shooter over here Alrighty then, I think that's finally it for this video.

As always we want to know what kind of project you want to see us make here on this channel. So leave your suggestions in the comments down below. Don't forget to subscribe, like up this video, and I'll see you later. *Snip snip snip*.

DIY Macarons, Corinne VS Cooking #14

[Sean] What'cha doing? Nothing. [Sean] Why do you have all those ingredients out? [Sean] Are you cooking? I'm cooking. [Sean] Oh my God. This is like, a rare moment.

If you know me, you know that I never cook, cuz I don't know how. You know what, there are things I cook -- kinda. [Sean] I can name one thing that's like, I absolutely love. What? [Sean] Ramen.

Oh, I can make ramen. I know how to make e-eggs. (So-so gesture) Poptarts. Hot pockets! I can make popcorn.

Rice! That's like, about it. (Sean laughs) See, what I like to do -- well, I don't know how to cook properly I can cook! What I like to do is to invent recipes. See, it is what a cook does, right? They invent recipes. So I invented this one day as a joke.

It was Greg's birthday, and Greg always makes this same joke where we'll be like "Hey, what do you guys wanna eat?" And Greg will always say 'lasagna'. So, for his birthday, I actually made lasagna. But -- and -- that's the crazy part, cuz he would've never expected it, because I don't know how to cook. But, I did it my way.

Dude, I have to say, [Sean] that lasagna was good!
[Ryan] It was good! It was like, hella good, dude. That's the first thing I ever invented, and it was pretty good. I'm gonna teach you guys how to make it, cuz this is a cooking show today. Aww yeah.

Sean could make this in his sleep, cuz Sean actually knows how to cook. But I don't. So we're gonna be making my version of lasagna, and what that is: Rice, cheese, and lasagna. (Both laugh) It's Chef Boyardee lasagna.

[Sean] Yuuum. Basically, I took something that I knew how to make, which is the Chef Bayer -- oh, Chef Boyardee lasagna, and then I just added in some more chee -- [Ryan] I like cheese, I love cheese!
[Sean] I love cheese. Put in the rice first, cuz you need some kind of starch, and the noodles aren't enough in the Chef Boyardee. There's a lot of sauce, but not enough noodles.

So it's gonna work. And then you throw in a bunch of mozzarella to make it look like it's something that's not, uh, It looks like it's not -- [Sean] Chef Boyardee? Chef Boyardee. Welcome to the first episode of 'Cooking, but not really'. (Sean laughs) That's a good name, right? So, what you need first is a rice pot, and a rice cooker.

And you need some -- (both laugh) I don't know who this character is. Uh, you need a tray. I'm assuming you need a spoon at some point. This is like, the opposite of a cooking show? Like, I don't even measure things? So, we need: mozzarella, Chef Boyardee -- I don't even know how many cans, I'm gonna just guess.

[Sean] Ay, freestyle, dude. [Ryan] That's it?
[Sean] Yeah. Ah, that's a three ingredient -- See, it's so easy? I remember I threw in something else randomly, cuz I was just like, "Hey, Imma throw something random in here." Can I just grab something -- you know what? It's part of the secret. I'm just gonna grab something and throw it in.

(Both laugh) And if it tastes good, at least we know. [Sean] Alright.
[Ryan] Let's go. So, I'm gonna feeding some of this to my brother and his girlfriend, and we're gonna see if they can tell it's Chef Boyardee. [Sean] Okay.

[Sean] Do you need help? No. I got it, Sean. Oh, it's 10 for 10! [Sean] Damn. Should I grab a wagon? No, we got this, dude.

We're strong. We look so dumb right now. [Ryan] Kinda like, two struggling co --
[Sean] Oooh. College students.

We should grab a basket, this is gonna fall. Oh, wait. Let's put it in here! Just like this. I don't know why I lied it down.

[Sean] Lied it down? La -- laid it down. [Sean] We need to practice our English. This is a lot. That's a lot of cheese.

[Ryan] Our inner Hawaiian just came out.
[Sean] I know. Hoho! That's a lot! [Sean] Oh, dude. Probably not too safe. [Sean] Kinda scary.

This is more than what we're actually gonna need. [Ryan] But you know what? -- Oh!
[Sean] Oh my God. Okay. [Both] Oh! (Both laugh) [Sean] Oh, you hella scared me.

Oh, dude. That would end bad. I think that I'm a chef. And you only cook multiple things at the same time.

So what you'd like to do is cook the rice first, yeah? Cuz the rice take long time for cook. We're gonna put the rice inside the pot. Wash the rice. [Ryan] See? It's pretty clear, right?
[Sean] Yeah.

[Ryan] So I'm gonna guess that was like, 4 cups? [Ryan] But, what do you do, you go like this, right? [Sean] Yeah, you put your finger in. [Ryan] Show 'em the technique, dude. [Sean] You see the lines of your finger. [Sean] First line is the rice.

Second line is water. [Ryan] But, I actually want a little bit less than the line. I don't want the rice to be too -- [Sean] Too soft.
[Ryan] Yeah. Hai! Step 1: Cook.

Now we need a pot for all this stuff. (Lasagna plops, both laugh) [Ryan] I love that sound. [Ryan] Gotta learn this trick! [Sean] Punch your own hand? Yeah. [Ryan] Did you know that? [Sean] Yeah.
[Ryan] Huh.

(Both laugh) [Ryan] Anyone can cook this, dude. It's not even cooking. [Ryan] I can't see if it's on or not. [Sean] Definitely not on.

There you go. Alright. We need a stirring thing -- That's what this spoon was gonna be for. [Sean] Ah.

Smart. Akamai! So, now we gotta wait for everything to heat up. Last time, I grabbed something random. I just threw it in there.

I don't remember what it was. We'll narrow it down to one of these 5 things. [Ryan] By process of elimination, I'm pretty sure I would've remembered if it was orange peel. [Ryan] Pretty sure it's not red pepper.

[Ryan] I don't even know what thyme is. [Ryan] It's either one of these two. [Sean] Paprika or oregano. I honestly have no idea which one it was.

So Imma just say, rrr.... Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. (Sped up eeny meeny) Nine, ten! [Ryan] Oregano.
[Sean] Oregano it is! [Sean] I think that's the correct choice.
[Ryan] How much should I put in? [Sean] Just put a little, dude.
[Ryan] Like this? See, this is a proper technique. Look.

Oh, too much. [Ryan] Just tempering that. U-huh. [Ryan] And then the fun part.

[Ryan] Sprinkling some togooglies, and then Sean you're gonna wanna stir it a little bit. [Sean] Dude, that looks bomb. [Ryan] Yeah, there you go. [Ryan] Then the second half of the togoogly, [Ryan] then we add in the last togoogly.

[Ryan] We're still gonna use this! That's not even half the cheese we're using. [Sean] Aww yeah.
[Ryan] That's a lot of cheese. [Ryan] Dude, this is pretty much ready already. So we timed it kinda wrong.

I mean, Sean did it. Sean did the timing poorly. This is mos -- oh, it's almost done. Good timing, Sean-me.

(Both laugh) [Sean] (laughs) I like that one. [Ryan] And that's done. [Ryan] Alright. First thing you -- hot! [Sean] Oh, dude! First thing you do is layer it.

Bam! Oh, it's still kinda wet actually. Eh, that's okay. Oh, that's hot! That thing's so hot! Bam! Bam bam! Press it down. Bam.

Next step: mozzarella. [Ryan] This is so unhealthy. [Ryan] But, we're not doing it for health. [Ryan] We're doing it for the kids who don't know how to cook, which is me.

[Ryan] This is epic meal time with people who don't know how to cook. And then you just layer it on like that. [Ryan] Maybe I shouldn't have put on the cheese in here. [Ryan] It's kinda difficult with the strings.

[Sean] I'm like, legit drooling dude. [Ryan] Gross. (Both laugh) Look at all these cheese strings! Alright, nope -- for some of you at home, just wait, put the cheese later. It's the same thing.

I just want to make it fancier, okay? [Ryan] Final layer. [Ryan] More cheese, the better. [Ryan] Like they say, you can never go wrong with too much cheese.
[Sean] Yup. [Sean] Unless you're lactose.

Alright. Put this in the oven. [Ryan] Once all that cheese melts, we're good to go. This is so unhealthy for you guys! This is not an everyday kinda meal.

[Sean] Definitely not. I mean, you guys switch it up with ramen and hot pockets -- I know. You guys got ramen, and also hot pockets, chicken pot pies -- Oo, I should make a pot pie. That sounds really hard.

Let us know what you want us to cook next time, and we're probably not gonna do it. We're making our own thing anyway. [Sean] This is fun. I like your way of cooking.

Thanks, dude. No rules! 'Kay. Ready for the reveal? [Sean] Bum-bara-pa-pa-pam. Look at that! Yeah? Doesn't that look real? I mean, it looks like some -- doesn't look like lasagna! It does look like lasagna! Yeah, Greg! Oh, Greg's lasagna are the ones with the patties, huh? [Greg] Patties?
[Sean] I don't know what you call them.

[Greg] Layers.
[Sean] Layers. Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Professional. [Ryan] This is the one I served you, Greg?
[Greg] Yeah.

If it tastes anything like last time, I'm outta here. (All laugh) What the hell? Pft, I know what this is already, I told you. I knew the moment I walked in. Tell me how long it took you to make this.

I think the longest thing was the rice. [Sean] Yup, pretty much. (Sean laughs) [Sean] What's up, Kyle? It's straight Chef Boyardee. Oh, dude.

I knew the moment I walked in, I could smell it. Chef Boyardee is good. [Sean] It is good, though. I still like this a lot.

I like Chef Boyardee too. [Ryan] This series is called 'Cooking, but not really'. 'Cooking, but not really'? [Ryan] Isn't that what it is? Like, cooking, but not really. [Ryan] I caught that on camera.

Well in that case, we got a bunch of those. Yeah, I know. It's really just a way for me and Sean to eat some more. Well that, right there, was an episode of 'Cooking, but not really'.

[Sean] Mmm, that lasagna was so good. It was the best I ever had in my life. Well, unless you don't like Chef Boyardee. Let us know in the comment box if you want to see us cook again! Well, not really cook, but kinda cook.

You know what I mean..

Cooking, But Not Really LASAGNA!

Music Greeting loves, and welcome to cooking with Marshmello! Today we've got a special recipe for you all! And we'll need our latest and greatest appliance. Why don't you show what we've got Mello? And from the university of North Carolina! Standing at 66, number 23, the air fryer! The perfect device for today's dish; Avocado Fries! Ready to see what this thing can do, Mello? For our recipe,  we'll need; flour, salt, pepper, eggs, water, panko, ketchup, siracha, canola mayonnaise and fre- sh ava-ca-do I mean- fresh avocado. In a dish, stir together the flour and pepper. In a second dish, lightly beat the eggs and mix in water.

And finally ( magical sound effect), in a third dish place the panko breadcrumbs! Now coat the avocado wedges, assembly line style! Dip them in the flour, then the egg mixture and finally coat them in panko! (In background: ... I want a daughter like Nikki, uhh) Once prepped, place the avocado wedges in the air fryer and then cook until golden. About (robot sound effect) 7 to 8 minutes. Be sure to flip them half way through! When the avocado's have finished frying, place them on a plate to cool.

Then whisk together the mayonnaise, vinegar, siracha and ketchup! This will make our 'secret sauce'. WHAT??? Our secret sauce! WHAT??? Our secret sauce... OKAY!! Assemble it all together and there you have it! Declious Avocado fries! Courtesy of our new air fryer! :) Thanks for joining us this week, everyone! We'll see you next time! YEAH! (Music plays).

Cooking with Marshmello How To Make Avocado Fries

(snaps)  To come home to   You'd be so  - You'd be so nice to come home to. Ahhh, my name is Jeff Goldblum and welcome I say to you, Ah to another segment of what we're calling Cooking with Jeff. That's what we called it last time. You may put the, uh, logo, the uh, here or here at this point.

We did one before, I don't
know if you caught it. I was me and the great
Jonathan Gold, anyway, we had so much fun, here we are again. This is my home. It's my nice colonial
style, I believe, home.

Mmm, mmm, mmm. I didn't even know outside
here I had this grove. This orange grove. Well we're talking about food once again, we're going to cook once again.

I have a secret guest once again, and we're gonna come back here
and make something delicious. (Laughs) (upbeat music) We're shopping for some items for a recipe given to me by today's mystery guest. I've made a shopping list on my new app. You hit Ralph's right there, here you can't see this.

Mike and Scotty and William,
always have three cameras whenever I go shopping
I always film myself. I hit this more and then shopping list and here we are, that's the shopping list. And the first item is
avocado, come with me as I chase after a large avocado. Hello Tony.

- Tony, I'm the produce
manager here at Ralph's. - You're the produce manager that's your-- yeah, yeah, yeah, produce
is potatoes I guess. - We have vegetable, fruit, and. - I'm interested in the king
of all fruits or vegetables this is actually a vegetable isn't it? - It's a fruit.

- It's a what? - Fruit, avocado. - [Jeff] Fruit.
- Yeah. - I thought this is a vegetable. Avocado is a fruit.

- It's a fruit. - Hey, play this game with me. If I was a fruit or a
vegetable, what would I be? - I think you would be
a fruit, you're sweet. - Which fruit would I be? - Let's say a dragonfruit.

- I can't believe you said that. I'd be a dragonfruit. What do you think my Chinese
astrological sign is? I was born in 1952. - Probably lion? - Dragon.

Do I believe in astrology, true or false? True I believe in it, false
I don't believe in it. - False. - That's absolutely correct. I think it's hooey, it's baloney, and there's another section for baloney.

Is baloney a fruit or a vegetable? Neither, it's a trick question. So anyway, this fruit here is what I want. - Well let me tell you how
to pick out an avocado. You see we have different
color, in different spaces.

- Oh yes, yes. - So you just put them
on the palm of your hand. - Yes sir. - And then squeeze it
gently and then if you feel a little soft, that means ready to use.

- Do you have a high thread count there in your epidermis? - Pretty much. - Yeah, oh yes. You're like a dental
technician or something. - Let's say you want
this avocado in two days, you grab a small paper
bag, put the avocado in it.

One banana, one apple and
two days it'll go like that. - I never would have thought that. How's that feel to you,
is that a good one? - This feels good, it's ready to go. - That's a winner right there.

- Anything else I can help you today? - I'm gonna give you a nice squeeze. You are ripe in two days I think. (Jazzy music) Look who it is. Look who it is.

- Hello there. - How are you my friend?
- Doing great. - That's a new hat I see. - It is.

- In any case, we have
real business together, I need a piece of cheese, manchego cheese. Tell me about that manchego cheese. - It comes out of Spain, its
actually a protected recipe, meaning it can only be made
in certain part of Spain from certain breeds of sheep. - Certain breeds of sheep? - It's actually mentioned in Don Quixote, that old of a recipe.

- Sing with me.  To dream, the impossible dream   To fight the unbeatable foe  - Well that's it, as soon as I go home I'm calling my agent and saying I want to do a production of Don Quixote. I want to play the mad Quixote, you will be my Sancho Panza. But if you refuse, or you
are otherwise too busy and unavailable you know who I would cast? - Go ahead.

- No you go. - Well I'd say Jack Black but he's a little
shorter than me actually. - Did you see School of Rock?
- I did. - Sing that song with me, ready?  You're not hard core   Unless you live hard core   But the legend of the rent   Was way hardcore  - Very good, I like
your lip syncing to me.

Manchego, yes, should we choose it? And I'll get out of your hair? - Yes, right behind you here. - It's behind me? Can I smell it? - Sure. - Let me check my Kroger
app to see, oh I need bread. I'm gonna go to the bread section.

Bye Chris.
- Thank you. (Smooth music) - I love these baguettes,
I think anything, anything in this shape is
called a baguette, I think. This is actually what we're
looking for, isn't it? You know what I need? Lime juice which I
remember is on this list. Lime juice and so first
of all, its on sale, 'cause it's in yellow
and this app'll tell you where it is, it's on aisle five.

Well how convenient. (Laughs) (jazzy music)  Aint no stopping me now   I'm on the move  (jazzy music) - Here I am again, Jeff
Goldblum, now in my kitchen. Our special mystery guest, - [Guest] Mmhmm. - Is right here.

Now, you don't know who it
is, but you have an idea. Is it A, Julianne Moore? Is it B, Sissy Spacek? Is it C, Tilda Swinton? Is it D, Jessica Chastain? Is it E, Bryce Dallas Howard? Is it F, Vera Farmiga? - [Guest] Ah yeah. - That's incorrect, turn
around, you'll now see, it is Bryce Dallas. (Laughs) - It's Jessica Chastain.

- Thank you so much for, - Thank you. - I'm so thrilled. - It's the best, what we're gonna do today 'cause I don't know how to cook. - Nor do I, as you know.

- But the thing that's
tricky is that I have, I've got two kids. - I have two kids too. - And you've got two kids as well and you find that like, you're the person that is gonna feed them, and
so, kind of can't be a parent and get away with not cooking. This is a wood board and you just put a bunch of cut up food on here.

- Oooo. - And by putting it on a wood board, it looks really appetizing. - I love that, that's poetical. - Let's make the food, yeah? - Let's make some food.

Hey your middle name is Dallas. - Yes, - You're named after obviously a popular nighttime soap opera, if I, if my middle name were, after one of those
shows, what would it be? - Oh my gosh I can't even think, Melrose Place? That's the only nighttime soap opera, - Jeff "Melrose Place" Goldblum. - That works. - If my name had been
Jeff "Melrose" Goldblum I would have gotten further than I am now.

(Laughs) Oh I love to cut a pepper, you know why? I like everything going
on in there, don't you? - Yeah it's pretty beautiful. - I mean this is how you
see the world differently when you have kids. It's as if seeing it for the first time 'cause they are seeing
it for the first time and you go look, look at that and you go and you touch it and you,
you know because it is absolutely miraculous. - I bet you are so fun with your kids discovering all of this with them.

Look at this, just happenstancially, if that's a word, we were left with two
little tear drop seeds, just like the moles under
Geraldine Chaplin's eye. - Oh my gosh. (Jazzy music) - This is like a horn of plenty, it's like a cornucopia,
it's like a smorgasbord. It is smorgasbord or schmor-gasbord? - Is it schmor-gish-board? - Shhh, - Smorgis, or schmorgas? - When you toast marshmallow and chocolate we know that's a s'more.

Is that correct? - That would be a s'more. - That would be a
- s'more. - Okay.
- Okay. - Then maybe it is smorgas..

(Laughs) - Okay. - Is an avocado a fruit or a vegetable, what do you say? - I would guess fruit but then maybe it's like neither, maybe it's like a nut or something. (Laughs) - Yes, it's the king of legumes. - Is it? - It's a nut, no it's not.

No I was told this today, it's a fruit. - It is a fruit. - I would have said vegetable. 'Cause I think a fruit says sweet.

- Yeah but you know. - Are you listening, were
you just listening to the, (laughs) I caught you, I caught you. (Laughs) You're thinking of seashells. Yes, you, I can hear the ocean.

- This is always like the trickiest thing in the world right? - [Jeff] Let me handle that. - Can you go like that, do that, you do it, you do it. - [Jeff] Well I wouldn't,
- [Bryce] You do it. - [Jeff] I'm not going to
smash through that pit.

- That's what you do? What are you doing? - Well I don't know what do you, what are we aiming at? - Is this a way to do it? - Why is that a criteria? Maybe nobody's ever done it before. We march to the beat of our own avocado. (Laughs) Look I've done it. - So then how do you get that into here? - Ohhhh, (laughs) Ohhhh I see, you've taught me a great lesson today.

(Laughs) And then you say, what movie is this from, you have much to learn Mambo King? - I don't know. - Mambo King. (Laughs) Mambo King. (Upbeat music) It's no good.

- [Bryce] I don't want to risk that. - [Jeff] No, no, I won't let you. - So it's a little bit, Jeff. - Not on my watch.
- Listen Jeff.

- What, what? - I have so much respect for you. - But this is too thin, we say, that was just a practice. I was just practicing. (Laughs) I like to crack it right on the, - Should we put some olive
oil on there or anything or? - I say noooo.

Ah, okay. So now we have to do something like this this is not gonna be so great. - Well maybe, maybe, could I suggest-- - Why don't we cut to the, uh, - Let's cut through the, for the, - Stunt egg, Kelsey Rose. - Pretty egg.

- This is, - Don't drop it, don't drop it. - Kelsey Rose, you don't frighten me again. - I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Jeff. - Imagine that we cooked
it just like that.

- Jeff, we made avocado toast. - I can't believe. - With fried eggs, - Yes. - And then we've got our wood board.

- Done by you, a total professional. - No, which we did together. - And I helped a little bit. I'll let you go first.
- Okay, here we go.

- Here we go, join us out on the, fix that rug dammit, who left that rug, oh, oh my god, (laughs) For the sake of a comedy
bit look what I've done. I'm so sorry Bryce. This is horrible. This is horrible.

(Laughs) Look it, she's laughing, thank goodness, you can have a sense of humor about it. Well, it's ruined now, we're not gonna eat it, I'm gonna get some paper
towels, just a second, keep it right there. That's the worst thing
that's ever happened. Well we'll split the
one, the last, the last, - [Bryce] We can split the one.

- My god. (Soft music) - There we go.
- Look movie magic has allowed us to, uh, you know. - Oh look at this two eggs, fancy that. - Yeah.
- It's like it never even happened.

- Well, bon appetit. I can't believe it, look at all this. I hardly know what to start with first. So let's take a bite together shall we? - Yes, yes.

- Shall we start with a,
oh your piece of cheese. Well, - Cheers. - Here's to you, Cheers. Ahhhh (laughing) (soft music).

Cooking With Jeff Goldblum and Special Guest

AYEE time to cook the chickennn *theme music starts* What up DK gang. You guys already know we got another cooking video coming at you guys right now, BUT wait today we are doing something different. And we actually are taking you guys along with us to the grocery store to actually Shop for the ingredients. We have partnered with the American Heart Association is healthy for good move me guys You guys already know over your cooking because all of you guys Voted on what you guys wanted to see us look and you vote it up and fried cheap I don't think I've ever had a Nobel Prize You know I don't think I have any fried anything, so I'm excited about this.

Are you waiting on waste? No time here because we have to get to the grocery store that thing Gonna be contracted so We have made it to the groceries duh you ready, I'm ready let's go shop So we welcome to the produce section guys And we want to go in and let John know I need to ask fruits in some vegetative With all these colors you need some fruits and veggies on your plate now When it comes to fruit vegetables all form count no matter if it's fresh frozen canned and or dried So don't stress if you can't get fresh fruit or vegetables guy Hungry and check out what we just spotted check this out You see this leave You know if you can see it's got the little heart Check from the antennae tell you guys what that mean so what that check means this particular product means a set of requirements Set by the anha I mean it is a healthier food option look out for the tech when you go grocery shopping I think we gotta go Are you guys so we have made it back home all of our ingredients here right in front of us not to mention I change Because your girl wanted to be comfortable. We have all of our ingredients guys for the first ingredient you will need Buttermilk, but not just any buttermilk you wouldn't need fat-free buttermilk wish it's a good option because it cuts out some of the saturated fat For the second ingredient guys we have whole wheat flour know about your flour guys You definitely want to make sure is whole wheat grains are just a healthier choice and always more flavor You need would say those Flavors can use bread potatoes Which is what we have every what I chose or even yellow potatoes will keep on the holes to add a little bit more nutrition fourth ingredient we have our nice little egg Ready you need cooking spray to spray the pan so the chicken won't stick now guys on to our seasonings black pepper So we have our black pepper in our paprika, which will be in the chicken comes To you know make it how you like now there are other options For playing soft three spices and seasoning spike cayenne pepper even chili powder or cumin You know so we can bump up the spices without bumping up the Saudis our last ingredient would be our Chicken now as I mentioned is recipe calls for a whole chicken, which you will need to cut up Which I'm pretty sure some of you guys don't know how to cover whole chicken. We do know how to cook poaches news No worries H a got you you can go to their recipe website which has a lot of tutorials one being either cut anise skin o G which you need to do which was tolling But we got it done. Yeah, so whole chicken cut it up skinny All right first things first you will need to whisk your egg in a bowl and You also need the buttermilk Let me show you how I do this because you're not a real cook and cooks real cooks crack the egg So we already have our 1 egg in next we will need our 1 cup of blue into the egg good he does So once you combine your mutter milk in your eggs you just whip the two together Now for the next step we have to combine our flour and pre-cutting black pepper, but look one hour.

You will need a half cup So I think that's about a half cup No need to have the teaspoon of black pepper, right In 1 teaspoon of paprika 1 teaspoon I. Know some guys who have to dip our chicken in our buttermilk and egg mixture then dip it In our nice little whole wheat flour the first shipping. We are going to dip will be Right now she's dipping it in our nice little buttermilk and egg mixture next she's gonna dump it, but you want to put a lot Know what that does we want to drop it into the flour and seasoning mix Rice piece of chicken done oh my that's big this is such a big braids I don't think I've ever made a breast at home one thing. I really we eat at home You didn't eat healthy mm-hmm, and you say well.

Yeah, you save money a lot of money a lot of money We always save money when we decide oh, yeah And a big ol piece of meat our nice little rest is done we're gonna coat that real good and throw it in a plan I. Think we good all right got the wings in the legs All right guys now right before we put our chicken into the oven we have to lightly spray it with cooking spray Forgot to mention that you need to set your oven to 425 degrees so ours has been preheated Let's put the chicken in Odense who open the oven Now why that cook we're just gonna have to wait and then after the chicken is completely Done, then we will start making our potatoes. You know We're gonna call it hot it's the chicken a dinghy But you better get some chicken So our chicken is nice and creamy and a good money Next we get started on our potato wedges, which all right here, so we cut them up what? We didn't we No, really quick you had a fan going off in the back It's because you know other than still always getting kind of happy get kind of toasty. You know so that won't turn out so So we print out Tomatoes the Taylor baby potatoes let's go What you see here cut already into which they also prepped our ceiling that we're going top With it so what you will need in it lovely Freaking say it so Tony to here's a half a teaspoon of garlic care off for a half a teaspoon of parsley parsley Dried horse and black pepper as well So we already have that mixed up to mix them together all you have to do is sprinkle own little bit.

Just sprinkle sprinkle Then you got it on low So we have this even in phones of the potato then you just toss it up to make suppose We get really really nice really nice and cold right. I think we're good to go baby, nothing than that All right cool now We got to square to mind to make sure they don't touch or overlap This guy's you never spray it with a little bit of cooking spray. It says Fred lightly For 15 minutes Everything is 15 minutes So we're gonna plate our blacks Belong here wish them to chicken. Oh you want us here rich the bread come with the breeze oh Yeah, I think I'm gonna give this Nah, let me visit map I dig it I go like it hey hey, no wait How money forever Oh boy Bricks so you get yours a knife you still keep it at a nine Disappear all the way I.

Think we're gonna be creepy to avoid in creepy I. Have to a it tasteful partying with us on this video remember to eat healthy It's four pillars to do that first one is to eat Smart next color third one is to move more remember to get some body active. Yeah, yeah Beware me well just means a lot of things like managing your stress Getting enough sleep being mindfulness you know all those type of thing again guys click the link down below to submit your video of cooking the recipe to mention if You are under 18 make sure you have an adult with you mom your brother You know anybody that's and the grand prize will be To meet and hang out So you have November 12th submission videos So you November 12th at 6 P.M.. Eastern Time Eastern Time to submit your video get your videos that's correct We will be selecting the winners that very moment and we want to now see Until a later date click the link below sin admit.

You're Freaking know the command with us, you know you know Yes, have a little good time Grand Slam hanging out so this video Don't forget to send us some screenshots finish for a shot Twitter. It's the rain We were like in retweet audience all that good stuff. You know don't forget the follow me on Instagram the Rambam You know keep underscore underscore max what? I'm gonna say it like you okay? Forget to follow me yet roleplay Roble - Don't forget the fall okay never all planes - underscores also his Twitter role plays two underscores Elated let's get this video - mmmm. Uh honey.

Okay lights if you guys love taking video, but you guys have more cooking videos And I think we are out of you Guys want to thank the American Heart Association and their healthy for good movement for partnering up with us on this video Alright guys, so we out here.


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